Monday, December 14, 2009
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (1 of 6).mp4
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (1 of 6).mp4
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (2 of 6).mp4
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (3 of 6).mp4
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (4 of 6)
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (5 of 6).MP4
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad's Biography Part 2 (6 of 6).mp4

attack even to his previous boss and read here....]
The lady in red claimed to be the secretary for
KJ's fan club... sounds very Boy George, doesn't it?]

[Did KJ breed highly intelligent and respectable supporters or just simply
some bunch of monkeys swinging from one tree to another?]
Thank you Mr Prime Minister... you've made the best decision for not including KJ to your cabinet or tsunami will repeat again for GE13....
More reading from fellow bloggers and news portals;
- Bloggers vs KJ, Round 2 - BigDog
- Divided over the Khairy Factor - The Star
- I Bet I Can Find 10,000 People Who Hate Khairy Jamaluddin - Facebook Group
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
DS Najib : UMNO atau Khairy???
Memberi jawatan kepada KJ samalah seperti memberi peluru kepada pihak lawan. Jangan rosakkan kestabilan UMNO kerana kepentingan dia.
Beribu ampun dan maaf jika luahan saya ini tidak mengena pada tempat. Demi memegang teguh kepada konsep satu Malaysia, RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN, PENCAPAIAN DIUTAMAKAN, dan dengan adanya platform media ketiga, maka saya mengambil kesempatan untuk memberi pandangan yang mewakili pandangan blogger dan rakyat bawahan.
Sekian Wassalam.
The Darker Side
Deep Tots:
Selanjutnya di sini :
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Apa yang mampu kita ubah sekarang adalah untuk mengubah minda anak bangsa kita supaya mereka selalu beringat supaya sejarah hitam yang menimpa bangsa dan negara kita dulu tidak akan berulang lagi, kita perlu sentiasa ingatkan anak bangsa kita tentang penjajahan dalam bentuk baru dan kita perlu terangkan kepada anak bangsa kita tentang azab yang akan menimpa kita bila kita dijajah semula, adakah perkara-perkara ini dianggap satu propaganda kerajaan semata-mata bertujuan untuk mengagung-agungkan pemimpin-pemimpin tertentu sedangkan seorang pemimpin itu seharusnya membimbing anak bangsanya supaya mempunyai semangat sayangkan negara dengan menanam sifat-sifat petriotik didalam minda mereka.
Jika ada mana-mana pemimpin yang menganggap semua ingatan itu hanya satu nostalgia kosong maka senanglah musuh-musuh bangsa menyusup masuk dan merungkai jatidiri rakyat terutamanya orang-orang Melayu untuk melupakan apa yang telah menjadi hak milik mereka dan apa yang perlu dipertahankan oleh mereka sekarang. Atas sebab itu kita lihat Kit Kiang dan kuncu-kuncunnya begitu marah sekali dengan modul kursus BTN ini kerana modul ini dianggap akan merosakkan segala perancangan beliau, yang mahu membawa misi "Malaysian Malaysia" kepunyaan Lee Kuan Yew itu masuk ke dalam agenda negara.
Malangnya, suara-suara Kit Siang dan kuncu-kuncunya itu disambut dengan begitu baik sekali oleh Nazri Aziz yang juga turut menghalalkan perbuatan sogokkan Nik Aziz itu sebagai satu perbuatan yang ikhlas, apakah beliau beranggap doa Nik Aziz untuk memecah perut Najib itu juga satu yang doa yang ikhlas??? Orang-orang seperti Nazri Aziz inilah sebenarnya orang yang akan menjatuhkan Najib kerana cara beliau membodek Najib hanya untuk menjerat Najib lebih terikat dengan desakan pembangkang.
Jika hari ini Najib mengubah BTN untuk apa-apa tujuan sekali pun, rakyat khususnya orang-orang Melayu akan beranggapan betapa mudahnya Najib untuk didesak dan diasak oleh pihak pembangkang. Ini juga bermakna Najib sendiri memperakui bahawa tindakan dan cara pembangkang bertindak itu lebih bijak dari kerajaan beliau sendiri sehingga beliau sentiasa mahu menjejaki langkah mereka dan mengubah segala-galanya menurut khendak dan selera mereka pula. Najib perlu sedar siapa yang memeritah negara ini sekarang?
Hari ini Najib sendiri mengaku bahawa zaman kerajaan tahu segala-galanya sudah berlalu, apakah ini juga bermakna kerajaan serba tak tahu mula muncul dalam pentadbiran beliau sekarang hinggakan beliau begitu mudah diarah untuk mengikut apa jua khendak pembangkang. Jika beliau asyik mengikut dan menurut kehendak pembangkang, ada baiknya rakyat memilih pembangkang dari memilih kerajaan beliau kerana sudah tentu pembangkang nampaknya lebih tahu tentang arah yang hendak mereka tuju itu.
Rakyat sebenarnya mahukan kerajaan yang tegas dan tidak mudah lentur dengan mana-mana desakan sama ada dari dalam negara maupun dari luar negara kerana dengan ketegasan ini sajalah kebebasan dan kemerdekaan bangsa dan negara dapat dipertahankan, kita sebenarnya malu mendapat seorang pemimpin yang mudah diugut dan diancam oleh mana-mana pihak kerana itu menandakan kemerdekaan bangsa dan negara bukan lagi hak milik kita. Apa gunanya kita menjadi bangsa yang merdeka tetapi kebebasan kita untuk mencorakkan halatuju negara sendiri ditentukan oleh bangsa lain pula?
Oleh: Nordin, Ahli Kelab
Indeeptots :
Jangan kerana 1Malaysia, Melayu hilang suara dan hak
Baca juga:
Nazri biadap... Pecat dari Kabinet dan UMNO! - BigDog
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ngah Kor Ming on ADUN Changkat Jering, Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu]
In deep Tots:
- The malays once again proven easily fooled by these Chinese!!!
- Once a Chinese, proven a communist... this is it!!!
- Stop calling Malays racist if proven your slut attitude...
- PAS and PKR muslims and malays... happy now?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
To all my blog buddies and frens... lets recite for our triumph, happiness, joy and to celebrate Happy Eid. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
اللّهُ أكبر اللّهُ أكبر
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great, Allah is Great
اللّهُ أكبر
Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, but Allah
اللّهُ أكبر اللّهُ اكبر
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great, Allah is Great
و لِلّه الحمدَ
walilahil Hamd
to Him belongs all Praise
اللّهُ أكبرُ كَبيِرَا
Allahu Akbaru Kabeera
Allah is the Greatest
وَالحَمدُ لِلّهِ كَثِيرا
wal-Hamdulilahi katheera
And all Praise is due to Him
وَ سُبحَان اللّهِ
wa Subhan allahi
And Glory to Allah
بُكرَةً وَأصْيِلا
bukratan wa aseila
eventide and in the morning
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, but Allah the Unique
صَدَقَ وَعدَه
sadaqa wa'dah
He has fulfilled His Promise
وَنَصَرَ عبده
wa nasara abda
and made Victorious His servant
وأعزَ جُنَده
wa a'azza jundahu
and made Mighty His soldiers
وَهزم الأحْزَابَ وحْدَه
wa hazamal-ahzaaba wahdah
and defeated the confederates
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, But Allah
وَلا نَعبُد الا أياه
wa laa na'budu illa iyyah
He alone we worship
مُخلِصِّينَ لَهُ الدّيِنَ
mukhlessena lahud-deena
with sincere and exclusive devotion
وَلوْ كَرِهَ الكَافِروُن
walaw karehal-Kafeeroon
even though the idolaters hate it
Monday, August 31, 2009
52nd Malaysia's Birthday and New breeze for SSS

Slogan and my pleadge for Merdeka 2009.
And no one will get in the way...
Happy 52nd Birthday Malaysia.

Support SSS for our nation’s future.
Please spare your time to read and understand the campaign, here
Do sign the petition. Get your family and friends to sign as well.
Lets collectively make SSS a reality for the future of our Tanah Air Tercinta.
Click here for the petition
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ikuti penjelasan sahabat saya, Ustaz Khairi Jalaluddin dan rakan blog saya Cucu Tok Selampit...
Rupa-rupanya para demonstrasi ini dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia telah dilembukan oleh KHALID SAMAD... ayuh, jom hambat Kepala Lembu sebenar di sini....
- PAS dan PKR harus membayar harga yang tinggi sekiranya isu ugama dipandang mudah
- Isu utama diketepikan, isu lembu dikaitkan dengan ugama Hindu dan bangsa India... spinning the news
- Tidak mustahil sekiranya, Pakatan Pembangkang memerintah seterusnya, umat Islam di masa hadapan akan terpaksa memohon daripada DAP untuk berjemaah di masjid dan melaungkan azan. Sehingga kini, pemimpin PAS diam seribu bahasa...
- Jangan lupa bila Karpal Singh minta dilangkah mayatnya sebelum hukum Islam dilaksanakan, Jeff Ooi melabelkan Islam sebagai pengganas, Ronnie Liu mencabar penjualan arak diharamkan di kawasan melayu dan Mdm Teresa Kok meminta azan tidak dilaungkan... PAS tidak bertindak!!
- Alhamdulillah, bulan Ramadhan ini, Allah telah membuka minda2 umat Islam bersatu hati mengingatkan perjuangan kafir2 yang bersekongkol dengan PAS dan PKR...
- More photos from bro Minaq Jinggo
- Khalid Samad delete posting isu ini di blognya. Khalid berapa kali nak tipu rakyat? Baca di sini
Friday, August 28, 2009
Countdown to Merdeka... 1999 ad
What have we learnt so far as Malaysians?
Its not about winning or loosing but THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING UNITED... so are we united Malaysians?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
He cant say much after said so much already...suddenly??? Lets watch!!!
Someone commented :
Choose between Pariah and Snake ? I will hit the Pariah first
Friday, July 24, 2009
Finally, a blog is setup to reveal DAP's corrupt modus operandi c/w hard evidence... Join the campaign in Facebook to find out more and more updates ... here and here
Friday, July 10, 2009
Every year this date and this month, I pledge to publish and share to everyone this inspiring momento from our beloved Tun Mahathir for us all - PERJUANGAN YANG BELUM SELESAI... Let us all mull over it.
Happy Birthday Tun... May you and your family be blessed by Allah

Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayatkan
dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina
Air mata tiada ertinya
sejarah silam tiada maknanya
sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
dipersenda dan dilupakan
Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
para pejuang kemerdekaan
bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
dan darjat bangsa
selangkah beerti mara
mengharung sejuta dugaan
Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita
Tugas kita bukan kecil
kerana mengisi kemrdekaan
rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
keringat dan darah menuntutnya
Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
mengangguk dan membenarkan,
kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri
Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara
bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap,
menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
selain menjadi ulama dan
ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau yang tidak mengenal
erti takut dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
Apakah angkara penjajah?
Lalu bangsaku mulai
melupakan kegemilangan silam
dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar
Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
bagi memartabat dan
memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati
Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya
Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
kerana masa depan belum tentu
menjanjikan syurga
bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa
Perjuangan kita belum selesai
kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
dapat membina mercu tanda
bangsanya yang berjaya
Mei 1996
Monday, July 06, 2009
Manek Urai : 'GO GREEN' ATAU 'GO GONDOL' ???

Bicara Manek Urai dan Wangsa Setia mencerita apa sebenarnya berlaku di Kelantan. Bicara Manek Urai adalah anak jati Manek Urai yang pasti mengetahui isi dalam kampungnya...
Tahniah kepada Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat berjaya melepasi halangan pertamanya di hari penamaan calon hari ini untuk N41 Manek Urai. Lawannya abe Poji seorang pemborong ikan adalah pilihan PAS...
PAS telah mula berkempen bahawa UMNO akan memulakan 1,000 janjinya manakala 1,000 fitnah akan dilemparkan oleh PAS kepada UMNO.... kita tunggu!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Michael Jackson "HEAL THE WORLD" (spoken version)
"Heal The World"
There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
If You Want To Know Why
There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living
Then It Feels That Always
Love's Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Dream We Were
Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow
We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We'll Cry
Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares
We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Deep Tots :
I wish my future and present generations will remember to always .... HEAL THE WORLD!
May Allah be with Micahel always... said Jermaine.
“It’s always inevitable, but a shock when death comes. With Michael, it seems to me even more shocking, and I feel very sad. He seemed to have the heart of a child, though he was a giant of a musician. The moment I heard he had been taken to hospital, the worst was anticipated. I hope he finally worked out his purpose in life, before he left it. I just discovered his middle name was Joseph. He’ll be missed.” - Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
* An earlier version of this article mentioned that Dawud Warnsby had assisted in Michael Jackson’s conversion to Islam. He has denied that. This article has been amended to exclude that claim. In writing this essay, I was given information from sources I considered reliable that Michael had indeed become Muslim. Obviously, the part about Dawud Warnsby is not true. However, there have been many reports throughout the media concerning Michael becoming Muslim. Allah knows best as to their veracity. - Imam Zaid
Deep Tots :
Lets give the benefit of the doubts. Dont be too judgemental.. MJ has always given impacts to most... the children, the politicians... name it. He will not only be a living legend but he is an ICON...
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Curahan hati seorang melayu yang sentiasa perjuangkan perpaduan Islam dan Melayu
- click to WANGSA SETIA
Thursday, May 28, 2009
First open forum for SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA will be held tomorrow 29th May 2009 (Friday) from 10pm til 12 midnite in my Facebook.
Its open to all and its more of a Q&A session. All Q&A will be attended by estemeed Bloggers concerned naming :
- DSN (of Small Talk),
- SatD (of Pure Shiite),
- Piggy Singh (of The Darker Side),
- Mantra (of In Deep Tots),
- Tam Dalyell,
- On Da Street
- Melayu Lama (Reflections : Melayu Lama)
- Lawyer Kampung
- Wah al-Subangi (of Goreng 3Abdul)
- and of course KijangMas (of Demi Negara)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The MCA Youth criticised some bloggers and an online petition supporting the "One School for All" campaign.
Nevertheless, bloggers and cyber communities have no doubt to give their unconditional support for 'Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua' campaign and more are pouring to sign the Petition here...
SmallTalk has offered Wee Ka Siong to challenge his intelligence and sensitivity in court, whilst thanks to Nuraina Samad and Rocky to make Malaysians for unity and 1Malaysia come true...
What say you guys? Click here for a full detail on the Petition and for Facebook users please joint the group here.....
DeepTots :
Wonder if Wee Ka Siong representing the total MCA community ... can anyone from MCA confirm this!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pendedahan Ahmad Maslan tidak mengejutkan...
Deep Tots:
Buktinya PRU12 dan pilihanraya kecil di Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang dan Bukit Selambau.Yang benar itu memang pahit untuk ditelan oleh UMNO tetapi adakah UMNO masih bermimpi di siang hari?
Seringkali saya sebut, UMNO ketinggalan zaman (outdated) seperti yang pernah saya katakan di sini untuk menerajui abad 21 ini... apakah tindakan mereka?
The voice pula menyelar sebilangan pemimpin UMNO yang pernah menamakan bloggers sebagai beruk, pembawa cerita palsu, suri rumah... kini, saluran blog merupakan penyampai maklumat yang sangat dilayari rakyat Malaysia...
Mungkinkah, saluran maklumat konservatif sudah tidak relevan juga? Contohnya TV3 hanya merupakan saluran popular hiburan yang dipenuhi dengan iklan, gosip artis, tayangan filem yang ketinggalan zaman.. sangat kurang dengan penyampaian bicara isu semasa. Adakah TV3 tidak sensitif sebagai saluran maklumat kerajaan?
Seruan saya kepada Dato' Maslan...
Internet bukan lagi saluran alternatif maklumat di abad ini. Ia telah menjadi saluran utama rakyat Malaysia... Berapa ramai pemimpin UMNO aktif berforum di Facebook atau Twitter? Berapa ramai pemimpin UMNO sentiasa berhujah di blog?
Ini semua berpunca daripada sifat malas mencari ilmu dan berfikir tetapi ramai suka bercakap perkara yang cliche. Justeru itu, sematkan di fikiran ahli-ahli UMNO agar mereka sentiasa IQRA' dan pertama mendapatkan maklumat (first in news)
Seperti Mathias (Fast Forward) pernah berkata, either you shape up or ship out! You have been warned...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Balai Polis, Bandar Hilir, Melaka - at that very young age, we squatted to the police barrack and witnessed evidence with bloods spilled and watched our dads with restless nights and rests... we were hailed with emergency sirens and we knew we were in the 'red zone' ... the death parade by DAP marched arrogantly challenged the police and LimKitSiang was there too....
I was too young to understand why all this happened but years later the prejudice still never end... when your schoolmates still carries within them ... I am a communist.
After 40 years, I wish not to have the slightest memoir of the dark history, but I feel obliged to the young generations to share what we went through and;
My fellow bloggers has more to say ;
1. Lies told... - Jebat Must Die
2. May 13th - A Recollection - mind No Evil
3. ... peristiwa berdarah yang mengorbankan banyak nyawa - Segalanya Mungkin
Deep Tots :
To those who went through the tragedy, do not lie and for the young generations don't even try to ask for it...
1. Initiated by DemiNegara
2. Melentur Buluh biarlah dari rebung by Lawyer Kampung
3. Is there a reason to say NO? by PureS
4. To those who love this nation by JebatMustDie
5. Racial prejudice - malays are lazy, indians spin and chinese are greedy by PiggySingh
Finally, don't say NO and sign the petition here and my number is 101...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Could The Federal Court be wrong about yesterday's verdict?
Just to share from a prominet lawyer's point of view for the rakyat to mull over...
In the Perak case, it was in fact changing the Government;
not just the Menteri Besar.
Click further to SmallTalk for honorable and intelligent discussions
Monday, May 11, 2009
Here are the links for chronologies, incidents and photos i have gathered... they are meant for my archive but i dont mind sharing with others to ponder.
Most of the photos are in my Facebook... if u need to see more of the actual actions, join in my circle. Its just not photos, but start tightening your seat belt to read castigations (I would call it) among Pakatan Rakyat goons ... Please click to the links
1. Kenapa Timbalan Speaker terpaksa ambilalih jawatan Speaker - Lihat Video - A Voice
2. What Siva has in mind earlier - My Anger, It May be Yours Too
3. Agreed to dissent the red herring in blogsphere - Small Talk (indeed loud echoes)
4. The Ngeh and Ngah rule Perak - RBF
5. Lets see what the clowns did - Minaq Jinggo
Note: Earlier CinaIslam claimed in his blog - Tuanku ingin bekerja dengan Nizar. Alas, he has taken it out from his posting after I notified Hasbullah Pit and commented in his Idlam's blog too. I didn't manage to archive that but its in my YM :

Finally, Zambry delivered HH speech... thats the recognition!
Therefore, the three sides of the story... Yours, mine and the Truth!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Itu bukan perkara yang ingin dikatakan di sini, tetapi;
Apa faedahnya rakyat Malaysia sehingga bersungguh-sungguh ingin membela si jelita ini?
Rakyat Indonesia kononnya terlalu marah dengan kejadian si jelita dicederakan oleh suaminya. Rakyat Indonesia dari golongan apa? Yang tidor di bawah jambatan atau rakyat indonesia yang sedang mengutip sampah?
Yang paling menghairankan apabila seorang rakyat Malaysia yang masih mengaku sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang telah melarikan diri ke Indonesia bermati-matian membela si jelita ini. Tidak cukup di situ, beliau mempersoalkan bukan sahaja tindakan kerajaan kita tetapi juga mempersoalkan kononnya rakyat Malaysia yang tidak prihatin terhadap isu ini...
Penerangan saya mudah, apa pentingnya isu si jelita ini kepada rakyat Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia akan hanya prihatin dan bertindak tegas sekiranya si lelaki jelek itu mencederakan seorang gadis pingitan kampung yang daif... emmmm semasa berkahwin dulu, kenapa rakyat tidak dijemput... sudah separuh mati baru ingatkan rakyat?
Indonesia tiada beraja maka, mereka boleh berkata apa2 pun dan tidak semestinya Malaysia yang beraja ini tidak boleh berkata-kata. Kami di sini akan terus bertindak sekiranya sesiapa saja berlaku zalim. Cuma cara kami berbeza... Oleh kerana itu, kebanyakan kerabat di raja tidak menggemari kami rakyat marhaen kerana kami tergolong dari bijak pandai yang tidak mudah untuk dikelar dan dibom... serta tidak mudah gelap mata untuk mendapatkan loteri percuma.
So, ape faedahnya kisah si jelita dan si jelek ini kepada rakyat Malaysia melainkan mengisi ruang gosip artis?
p/s : Farish A Noor, di mana kamu?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dalam setiap percintaan
Kuselalu manis terasa
Dalam kisah ini
Entah mengapa yang benyak terjadi
Dini belia usiamu
Terpaut cinta belum saatnya
Setiapa helai nafas yang berdesah
Hanyalah cinta.........
Pernikahan Dini
Bukan cintanya yang terlarang
Hanya waktu saja belum tepat
Merasakan semua.....
Pernikahan Dini
Sebaiknya janganlah terjadi
Namun putih cinta membuktikan
Dua insan tak dapat dipisahkan
Virgin Youth, Non Virgin, Under Aged, Green - this is what it meant by Pernikahan Dini.
Is the song significant to what happens in Pakatan Rakyat?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A truly so called 'Iron Lady' Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, former International Trade and Industry Minister, known for being sharp shooter, knowledgable and some may say she is fierce... is now thinking to pen her own auto-biography.
“What motivated me to write it is because I am often portrayed as a fierce and aggressive woman who had no time for her family or easy to get along. “So I wanted to tell everyone I am just a normal person with normal feelings just like anyone else. My experience is much like what most women go through,” she told - MI
For all I know, why men especially male politicians are so intimidated by her... once she abruptly dared Lim Kit Siang in parliment to proof she was delibrately treated as the 'queen' for her absence. What happened then? LKS just had to shut-up!
This I have to share with others, when I was with Peniagawati, a phone call to her to fix a date for the next AGM. It was lunch hour and the phone call was meant for her secretary, Yasmin only but she delightly answered the call... She was having lunch in her office with just chocolates... Just chocolates? Yes, just chocolates while reading through some documents for the next meeting... said Rafidah.
Meantime, at our end we were busy ordering KFC for our lunch...
So, thats Rafidah... one busy lady
Next, I bumped into her in PWTC a few years after I left Peniagawati. Trying my best to avoid but from far she said... I know you, Peniagawati... hahaha and the conversation goes on and on...
Therefore, how would you consider her being fierce? Men just cant tolerate no-nonsense lady and they even might call her shrewd. Once a fren would consider a tough woman like her to be unscruples and so on... so on...
This I have to quote:
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey....
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong...
Find her soft spot and you will start to like her... I supposed Tan Sri is an idol for most career women.
p/s : Im not going to write about Perak and Penanti and any other politics issues... Let the so called brilliant people out there pen their views...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin tidak diberi jawatan didalam kabinet Najib
Kita tahu siapa yang akan pertikaikan seperti di sini, sini dan sini.
Kita pun tahu siapa yang akan mempertahankan tindakan Najib seperti di sini iaitu Mantra-indeeptots dan di sini... di sini... di sini... serta penting di sini juga.
Bagi Khairy, Dunia belum Kiamat... Esok masih ada. Luahan hatinya:

Bagi saya, mungkinkah DSN telah membuat perkiraan dengan Khairy? Either you are incharge or be charged! Hanya DSN dan Khairy saja yang mengetahui dialog mereka...
Pada penilitian saya, ini bukanlah satu tamparan hebat diberikan kepadanya malahan 3 tamparan yang sangat hebat :
- Dato' Razali, Timbalannya dilantik sebagai Timbalan Menteri Belia dan Sukan (bukankah ini kementerian idaman Khairy?)
- Dato' Mukhriz, kalah didalam pertandingan yang dijuarai Khairy telah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Menteri MITI... (Kementerian idaman Khairy juga).
- Tamparan yang paling hebat - tidak diberi sebarang jawatan langsung.
Mungkinkah Khairy ditawarkan jawatan Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan? Adakah Khairy berminat? Khairy akan melakar sejarah sebagai Menteri Besar NS termuda sekiranya beliau menerima pelawaan ini... Fikir2kanlah YB Khairy!
Walaubagaimanapun, ingin saya berkongsi bersama - saya yang dahulunya tidak langsung berminat menerokai laman 'BukuMuka' (Facebook), kini berasa bangga, salah seorang rakan aktif di BukuMuka adalah seorang Timbalan Menteri - Syabas Dato' Saifuddin
Syabas Dato'... kita akan sentiasa berinteraktif di MukaBuku dan sentiasa berKPI bersama-sama Dato'...
Harapan rakyat marhaen ini agar sahabat-sahabat Dato' yang telah dilantik oleh DSN aktif berinteraksi di forum MukaBuku agar mudah rakyat berKPI yang bagus2 untuk mereka...
Sekian. Salam Jumaat dan santai dari Mantra
Sunday, April 05, 2009
If you see the picture... will the moon always represent your heart?
Therefore, will Bukit Gantang cast their votes for whom that represents their hearts?
Friday, April 03, 2009
That man in black - Our 6th Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib has sworn in today and its for real! It was live telecasted a few minutes ago... No photoshop.. No pic improvision... Its live.
Are we going to welcome him or still denying?
So, whats all these conspiracies and strategies to deny him today?
DSAI and frens has failed again... the question is, who is a better game player now?
p/s : Tun Jin?
Whatever I penned in my blog about you its nothing personal its just politics...
I bid farewell to PakLah with this ...
I would also love to bid farewell to you with this reminder that perhaps you might mull over again...
Untuk hidup kaya,
Aku cari bukan wang berjuta-juta,
Untuk hidup bergaya,
Aku cari bukan kawan-kawan,
Untuk hidup sekadar berfoya-foya,
Aku cari mana dia Al-Ghazali,
Aku cari mana dia Al-Shafie,
Kita bongkar rahsia kitab suci,
Cari pedoman
Kita bongkar rahsia sunnah nabi
Cari panduan
Aku hidup kerana Dia Rabbi
Dialah teman
Dialah wali
Dia mencukupi
Aku hidup bererti
Nukilan: Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi 2004
Soon, we will be captained and championed by Mr Najib ... welcome aboard!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I proudly present the new brand or is it a rebranding of our dearest KJ. It was launched officialy after the new UMNO Pemuda Chief was annouced. Its a tribute to their new elected Chief from the grassroots and supporters of UMNO...
The rebranding or new brand for KJ was heard humming all the way through UMNO's annual meet plus some chorus of booo from the mass...
I once wrote, whenever anyone in Malaysia in particular mentioned the word 'penyapu', someone just strike our mind... and now the word RASUAH is so comparable and synonymous to KJ...
Am I wrong?
What the clip has to say? But my fellow blogger, Piggy has brilliant suggestions thou! Lets find out...
Not forgetting, pro-KJ's fellow bloggers, thanks for the rebranding of your boss. I wont deny, IT SELLS WELL!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Apa Depa Kata?
Inilah sejarah yang ingin dicipta oleh UMNO...
Tidak cukup dengan itu, semalam Khairy disambut dengan penuh gamat
sejurus beliau memasuki Dewan Merdeka... dengan perkataan...
Tanye >>>BigDog
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I left this comment in JebatMustDie recent posting.
Dato' Seri Najib's full text speech in English and Bahasa Malaysia:
1. "We lost the two-thirds majority in Parliament for the first time since Barisan Nasional was formed more than three decades ago. It is an awful and bitter truth, but a truth none the less and one which we must accept."
... Najib humbly accepted this unlike Abdullah arrogantly denying his failure
2. "Obviously there must have been a reason why a large number of the rakyat who once walked along side Umno, have since changed their direction."
... Abdullah will always blame it on the rakyat
3. "If we do not heed this message, their seething anger will become hatred and in the end this may cause them to abandon us altogether.
... What Abdullah used to say? JANGAN CABAR SAYA!
4. "Indeed, what is the point of winning party positions within a party that is bereft of authority and is no longer in power?"
... to whom it may concern, please stamp your feet to the ground that a thief will always remain known a thief!
5. "that Umno’s leaders are elitist and out of touch with the people. "
... UMNO is out of touch with the people - once my favorite slogan and for this the rakyat. If UMNO wishes to play the political game with the rakyat… and the rakyat play by your track record.
6. "...under the leadership of Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has displayed unwavering commitment whatever the circumstances ... just because of a temporary excitement over contests for party posts."
... Ill go for Rafidah!
7. "Like it or not, we cannot regard the new media as our enemy."
.... once bloggers stamped as BERUK by KJ, now he is one main BERUK!
8. "and the placement of the interest of the larger community over and above the interests of the individual."
... SPOT ON!
9. "The people depend on us as a party that will provide leadership and solve their problems."
... leadership is about the leader who will take the blame and not chicken out for his decision... FAMILIAR?
Last but not least,
10. "....we must change for the benefit of the people. We must dare to change "