Sunday, March 29, 2009
I proudly present the new brand or is it a rebranding of our dearest KJ. It was launched officialy after the new UMNO Pemuda Chief was annouced. Its a tribute to their new elected Chief from the grassroots and supporters of UMNO...
The rebranding or new brand for KJ was heard humming all the way through UMNO's annual meet plus some chorus of booo from the mass...
I once wrote, whenever anyone in Malaysia in particular mentioned the word 'penyapu', someone just strike our mind... and now the word RASUAH is so comparable and synonymous to KJ...
Am I wrong?
What the clip has to say? But my fellow blogger, Piggy has brilliant suggestions thou! Lets find out...
Not forgetting, pro-KJ's fellow bloggers, thanks for the rebranding of your boss. I wont deny, IT SELLS WELL!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Apa Depa Kata?
Inilah sejarah yang ingin dicipta oleh UMNO...
Tidak cukup dengan itu, semalam Khairy disambut dengan penuh gamat
sejurus beliau memasuki Dewan Merdeka... dengan perkataan...
Tanye >>>BigDog
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I left this comment in JebatMustDie recent posting.
Dato' Seri Najib's full text speech in English and Bahasa Malaysia:
1. "We lost the two-thirds majority in Parliament for the first time since Barisan Nasional was formed more than three decades ago. It is an awful and bitter truth, but a truth none the less and one which we must accept."
... Najib humbly accepted this unlike Abdullah arrogantly denying his failure
2. "Obviously there must have been a reason why a large number of the rakyat who once walked along side Umno, have since changed their direction."
... Abdullah will always blame it on the rakyat
3. "If we do not heed this message, their seething anger will become hatred and in the end this may cause them to abandon us altogether.
... What Abdullah used to say? JANGAN CABAR SAYA!
4. "Indeed, what is the point of winning party positions within a party that is bereft of authority and is no longer in power?"
... to whom it may concern, please stamp your feet to the ground that a thief will always remain known a thief!
5. "that Umno’s leaders are elitist and out of touch with the people. "
... UMNO is out of touch with the people - once my favorite slogan and for this the rakyat. If UMNO wishes to play the political game with the rakyat… and the rakyat play by your track record.
6. "...under the leadership of Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has displayed unwavering commitment whatever the circumstances ... just because of a temporary excitement over contests for party posts."
... Ill go for Rafidah!
7. "Like it or not, we cannot regard the new media as our enemy."
.... once bloggers stamped as BERUK by KJ, now he is one main BERUK!
8. "and the placement of the interest of the larger community over and above the interests of the individual."
... SPOT ON!
9. "The people depend on us as a party that will provide leadership and solve their problems."
... leadership is about the leader who will take the blame and not chicken out for his decision... FAMILIAR?
Last but not least,
10. "....we must change for the benefit of the people. We must dare to change "
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saya tidak berkesempatan ke PWTC sehinggalah hari Khamis...
Oleh yang demikian, sahabat-sahabat bloggers aka mata2 rakyat sentiasa kemaskini berita2 menarik yang tersangat panas berlaku di sana. Oleh kerana siaran langsung tidak dibenarkan oleh UMNO, maka siaran langsung bloggers boleh didapati di sini;

Ikuti kemaskini mereka (saya pilih yang bloggers yang boleh dipercayai maklumatnya), di antaranya ;
2. AVoice >>
3. Bigdog >>
4. Nobisha >>
Pada hemah saya, wang lagi menarik untuk perwakilan daripada bangsa... betulkan?
Kepada pro-PR, jangan ketinggalan... ambillah iktibar!
p/s : Sekiranya tuan puan tiba2 diberi duit kopi oleh seseorang atau seseorang cube menghantar text sms berunsur memujuk... jangan gentar... pergi terus ke Bilik Melaka, Aras 1 PWTC... siapa di sana? ITU ADALAH BILIK KAWALAN POLIS!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tajuknya... tepat!!
Tetapi yang lebih menarik ialah...
Ini SMS yang dihantar oleh Khairy kepada Azalina, dari seorang perasuah kepada seorang perasuah, meminta dia henti mengaitkannya dengan pelbagai hal:
Please don't undermine me during your campaign.I know its popular to criticise me to gain political melieage but I respectfully ask that you don't say negative things about me i.e. its not the right tme for me, I have banggage, etc. I amnot contesting for MT. I am not your competitor. Please leave me alone. That's all I ask.
Yang maha menarik sekiranya di baca di blog A Voice
Dan penulis Pak Ya pun memberitahu kita, "Ugut tahi minyak apa?.... MalaysiaKini
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Adakah rakyat diberi peluang untuk bersuara?
Di mana dan bagaimana?
Tuan Nobisha telah memulakan langkah untukmu Rakyat! Click saja di bawah...
Independent Citizens Movement
This is a non-political FB movement, to enhance people participation in decision making process.
Meminjam istilah MIMOS, apa yang cuba saya lakukan ialah "turning ripples into waves". Individu banyak bersuara melalui media baru, namun suara itu terpisah2.
Saya yakin kalau suara itu digabungkan, ia akan didengari oleh pemimpin2 politik.
Saya percaya apa saja yang dibahaskan dan dipersetujui di sini akan dipanjangkan ke Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, blog, website dan lain2. Malah, ia juga boleh ditulis dalam media cetak atau dilanjutkan dalam tv/radio.
Bagaimana untuk mempromosikan gerakan ini...
Apa yang saudara/i perlu lakukan ialah membuat link ke page Gerakan Rakyat Bebas dari Facebook saudara/i. Nanti logo besar bendera Malaysia dan pengenalan Gerakan Rakyat Bebas akan muncul di semua Facebook teman2 yang lain. Itu cara mudah dan berkesan untuk promosi Gerakan Rakyat Bebas.
Deep Tots :
- Buku Muka (Facebook) sangat popular di kalang pembahas-pembahas sosio-politik dan salah satu rangkaian sosial di alam siber...
- Ramai antara kita yang tidak berani untuk menyatakan pandangan atau suara hati mereka di dalam blog... tetapi ramai yang ingin berkongsi pandangan. Oleh yang demikian, seandainya ingin berbual bicara secara intelek dan jujur... Buku Muka yang telah diusahakan oleh Tuan Nobisha adalah ruangan yang paling berkesan.
- Ruangan Gerak Rakyat Bebas boleh disertai sesiapa sahaja dan bukan mewakili mana-mana parti politik... IA ADALAH UNTUK RAKYAT BERBICARA!!!
- Semoga dapat dihebahkan kepada yang prihatin dan dimanfaatkan bersama...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
- sakmongkol AK47 said...
why dont you do it? i am nor adressing the rakyat here- only those going to PWTC this 24th March. the rakyat( which you dont represent) is OK - A nonama commented;
- Anonymous said... Mantra. Its obvious you never like KJ with your fierce and very biased criticisms of him in your blog.So go and do your own fancy poll and make sure who you idolise come out tops to your taste!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
You can find this in A Voice blog;
- Wenger J Khairy said...
YAB Voicey,
Heard this tune on Hitz soon after the news was released...
Another plan bites the dust.
jeng jeng jeng,
Another plan bites the dust.
jeng jeng jeng,
Another plan bites the dust.
- Pemuda Tak Sokong Khairy and Khir said...
I agree with u 100 % if that Khairy guy is the new Umno Youth Leader it will a major blow for the Umno wing... I heard many of Umno Youth will resign as members of Umno if the so called and arrogant KJ is the leader... I and 30 Umno Youths from my cawangan will join in hand and resign from Umno but not and never join the Pakatan Rakyat... But never will we the Umno Youth support Khairy nor Khir its Mukhriz's time. We give 100 % support to Mukhriz and hope and berdoa that these 2 will not prevail..... Its for the own good of Umno.....
- bERANIKAN hATI said...
Ali Rustam dan penyokong nak keluar UMNO jika tindakan tegas dikenakan kepada Ali Rustam? Lebih baik mereka keluar demi reform UMNO. Buangkan segala barah dan pejung dalam UMNO. Kita masih ada beribu Ali Rustam.
- Dato' Ariff's blog :
- Anonymous said...
- With all the fancy justification and no perception/no hearsay argument to support Khairy, is this the best you can do to support Khairy?????
WHat abt your talk for UMNO reformation? How great reformation with a corrupt Youth Leader?
His defense of Khairy is to smear Mukhriz by saying no one do him in and claim Anas the ATM Machine? That another wild accusation, isn;t it? Just like on Khairy?
- Wenger J Khairy said...
Are You Gonna Go My Way says
"So for those who are low in EQ would be influenced easily by this fake façade."
I think thats extremely self contradictory, because the writer himself figured out how influential this blog actually is, and sensing that engaged in a classic childish 'defence mechanism' by attacking the blog as opposed to trying to rebut any of Dato's many points.
Panicky? - Anonymous said...
Salam Sak,
I think there should not be a double standard in punishment for the same type of offence. KJ should be barred as well. Otherwise give him a clean slate like KT.
Talking about double standard, let's compare Isa Samad punishment with that of Ali. Both involved money but Isa lost everything and plus few yrs suspension. Ali just lost his chance to get at the Dep Pres post, that's all. Everything else are intact.
I presume that you are well read and well informed in local politics. However I would like to suggest that you read Khairy Chronicles written RPK when he was 'sober' then. Try rebutting the part involving fixing Isa Samad when KJ wanted to set his political footing in NS. I believe there are some truth in that writing.
Until then, I consider KJ as a pest in umno. I am not a member of any political party.
- Are You Gonna Go My Way (the original one) said...
Anon at18 March 2009 19:28,
Nice try… masqueraded as me at 18:36….but I’m flattered. If that will make you guys sleep better at night, by all means go ahead…write nice things about KJ using my nick.
I can vouch for my self that whoever wins the KP this coming election be it KJ, MM or KT, I will support him as long as he can fulfill our aspiration as normal people in UMNO. However at this moment I support MM.
Can you vouch the same? Or will you keep on politicking until UMNO no longer exist. - FINALLY...
- MANTRA said...
There you go Dato'...
UMNO and UMNO start to disagree... more so a great presentation to the rakyat. Bravo! - Deep Tots:
- I'm stil waiting for CheDet's and JebatMustDie's wise thoughts... eagerly waiting
If you think of it, Ali's air is clearer comparing to KJ.
Ali is corrupt and he can't contest... thats very clear.
KJ is corrupt and he is contesting... He is contesting for the highest position in Pemuda UMNO. The BIG question here is... will UMNO and its Pemuda allow KJ 'the corrupt' to win this contest?
This will be a big blow to UMNO... Till the next UMNO election... you will be carrying on your shoulder KJ 'the corrupt' chief. Will you guys allow that?
Well, I didn't simply say it... Thats what the DC said, he is guilty for money politics... first of a kind in Malaysia political history.
Lets see how loud the young cock crows and how shrewd the old cock can be... just mull over it!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
- Mr Ali is guilty and barred to contest but Najib allows him to govern Melaka.
- Khairy is guilty with a warning and allowed to conterst and still represent Rembau Parliment constitution.
- Mr Khir is in the 'HOT' list but found clean..
The news is rather bias, confusing and alarming too. The verdicts are related to 'Money Politics' in other words, these candidates are corrupt leaders.
Isn't it bias and confusing? Ali found guilty and penalised but Khairy found guilty with just a warning as though Ali will face death sentence but Khairy is a free man now! What the committe is trying to tell us is that... the sentence are based on degree of corruption they committed. Therefore, there are such thing as 'DOSA BESAR' and 'DOSA KECIL' that UMNO's god based on.
Isn't it alarming? Both Ali and Khairy are found guilty. Ali is allowed to govern Melaka and Khairy is allowed to represent Rembau. God! Melaka has a sentenced corrupt Chief Minister and Rembau is represented by corrupt MP. Further to that, Pemuda UMNO may be lead by a corrupt leader!
I would conclude that, Ali commits DOSA BESAR, Khairy commits DOSA KECIL but Khir TIDAK BERDOSA... is it so Khir?
The morale of the news today is... the Disciplinary Committee has proven our governing party today is in its Perils!
Are these the changes UMNO promises the rakyat? Innalillah wa inna lillahi rojiun...
Note : LKS asked - When will MACC move against Ali and Khairy?
MAMPUS UMNO gaduh sama sendiri."
Bloggers start to write as such...
Latest : Tukar Tiub - Apa Khabar Org Melaka? Sihat ke?
Difahamkan Lembaga Disiplin mungkin akan mencadangkan agar Mohd. Ali, yang juga Ketua Menteri Melaka dan Naib Presiden UMNO digantung keahlian setahun atau tiga tahun.
: AdlyZahari (Org Kpgku) - Apa Khabar Datuk Ali?
Dengar khabar baca Yasin di Sri Bendahara malam tadi.
Manalah tahu, sejuk hati Tengku Ahmad Rithaudin.
: Dato PahitManis play safe - Jawatan Tinggi UMNO kena tindakan?
Mungkin ada sesiapa di luar sana yang tahu dan boleh memberi
maklumat yang tepat lagi sahih?
: Mr Protemp President starts with Is there a letter for Ali Rustam?
may interfere to safe his man. Goodby Ali............ No goodby for UMNO.
Deep tots can only say :
Kita tungguuuuu... Que Sera Sera for Melaka!!!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
mStar Online yang berusaha menghubungi mereka. Penghujung tahun lalu, Pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin, Tan Sri Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen Tengku Ismail berkata beliau ada menerima laporan berhubung aduan politik wang bagi jawatan tertinggi, Timbalan dan Naib Presiden parti.
- Laporan mStar di atas, adakah ia merupakan satu kejutan, satu kebenaran atau sesuatu yang memang telah dijangkakan?
- Mereka tidak dapat dihubungi? Wartawan yang tidak dapat menghubungi mereka adalah wartawan yang buat kerja separuh jalan! Sekira berani keluarkan laporan berani jugalah buat pendedahan... many ways to skin a cat, wartawan pun kena rasuah juga ke untuk melapor?
- ... aduan politik wang bagi jawatan tertinggi, siapa yang paling layak? Bukan layak untuk bertanding tetapi paling layak dikaitkan dengan penaburan wang secara haram? Mungkinkah ketiga-tiga mereka?
- Dari awal pengumuman untuk bertanding sehingga hari ini, ramai yang menggaru kepala apa kelayakan calon-calon TP UMNO? Secara tradisi, jawatan TP UMNO juga melayakkan dirinya sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia melihat calon-calon TP UMNO dari skop yang lebih luas tetapi tidak bagi ahli-ahli UMNO yang melihat dari skop yang sangat sempit. Seandainya di antara calon-calon yang tidak layak di mata rakyat Malaysia berjaya menduduki TP UMNO... secara peribadi, saya rasakan UMNO cuba memperkenalkan satu era politik baru iaitu tradisi politik Malaysia telah diubah. Its UMNO who is responsible for the changes!
- Sila lihat pilihan UMNO bagi calon Timbalan Perdana Menteri :
- Muhyiddin - Layak dari segi teknikal dan personaliti serta CVnya.
- Ali Rastam - Tidak layak dari segi teknikal, personaliti serta CVnya... a BIG question!!!
- Muhammad - sama seperti di atas
- Kenapa fokus saya terhadap Ali Rastam? Jawapan ringkas, tepat dan padat - TIDAK LAYAK. He may have the dough but absolutely much less intelligence and no doubt him being corny or is he Pak Lah's red-herring?
- Has he been excellent at governing Melaka? Any doubts... a lot of imporvements but still skeptical... its just the surface but managing the state? Melaka has not been a good pay-master!
- I think Ali Rastam and his troops are being too ambitious... sekiranya perwakilan UMNO menghendakinya... all I can say is... ITS YOUR FUNERAL UMNO, Good Luck!!!
- So.. Pak Ali, are you OK?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Watch till the end...
Recite salawat often to gain this moment for us...
Versi serius :
Janggut Saari ditarik Khir Toyo gara-gara pendedahan KDEB ... Harakah
jangan serang isteri saya. Isteri saya tidak boleh memandu."
Berita Baru Bocor!!!! Isteri Pakai Kereta Duit Rakyat ... TukarTiub
you answer to God.
Sayangkan isteri, diberi-berikan... walaupun terpaksa bergaduh, menipu, meminjam. Buat apa sajalah oleh si lelaki walaupun.... si lelaki saja yang boleh menjawab! Benarkah sayang sebegitu dari lelaki untuk isteri atau sekadar ingin tunjuk 'macho' kepada orang luar?
P/s :
Di Malaysia... apabila kita sebut penyapu ... kita akan terbayang seseorang, kenapa? Para bloggers tak perlu sebut seseorang itu... letak saja penyapu... Hanya seorang itu saja yang akan menjelma. Emak pernah pesan - jangan main penyapu, kenapa? Sahabat cina saya sekiranya terlanggar penyapu terus-terusan marah... kenapa? So, teringat penyapu... teringat si dia.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
TheStar online | Tuesday March 10 2009
PETALING JAYA: The DAP should stop being “two-faced” and declare its stand on the Islamic state issue, said MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.
Dr Wee said that whenever PAS spoke about an Islamic state, DAP would contradict the party’s Islamic state agenda before the media and public.
“It appears that DAP is playing a two-face role, whereby DAP rejects the Islamic state in front of non-Muslims but supports hudud and qisas when dealing with PAS,” he said in a statement.
He was commenting on an interview with PAS spiritual leader and Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, in Nanyang Siang Pau.
Nik Aziz was reported to have said that the new generation of DAP leaders were more receptive to PAS’ Islamic ideology and the creation of an Islamic state.
“DAP must explain what Nik Aziz meant. It cannot play contradictory roles with different audiences,” said Dr Wee.
He said DAP leaders must state whether they accept an Islamic state, which they had opposed in the past.
Dr Wee said Nik Aziz claimed DAP never officially objected to the Islamic state concept although DAP had stated nothing became policy until it was agreed by consensus among the Pakatan Rakyat parties.
Deep Tots :
- Everyone knows DAP will never and has never agree to Islamic state, why is MCA barking over this issue over and over again?
- Has anyone read or heard MCA recital to truly without prejudice to Islamic state? Has MCA been supportive enough over this issue?
- What was heard, MCA did claimed they were bullied by UMNO... and who surfaces 'two-faced' here? Please dont tell me that no one would relate UMNO to Islam.
- Lets read between the lines... MCA is trying to say that only DAP is against islamic state and hoping that DAP will reply to start a fresh issue for the coming by-election campaign.
- Should we consider MCA's issue on this as seditious or libel? Where is our Islamic NGO and JAKIM or JAIM? Should UMNO just fold their ears and keep numb for their alliance's instigation?
- So whats your standing than MCA? Are you all out for Hudud Law... yes they are!
Monday, March 09, 2009
9 yrs old VS Old Farts...
This is the difference between kids and old farts... For the sake of our future generations, please do not destroy their spirit for our own selfishness...
Hey old farts... leverage the technology wisely and not just play filthy cheek hiding in the chat room or any of those social networks... Shame on you!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
WOMEN'S DAY... what do I have to say?
and Women say the first thing they noticed about men is...
they are bunch of liars!!!
Happy Women's Day to all my lady frens and families.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Semua orang ingin bercakap dan beri pendapat. Ada yang petik sana sikit dan tampal sini sikit.. Ada yang bercakap untuk kepentingan tertentu... Ada yang bertindak secara waras tetapi ramai yang bertindak membuta tuli termasuk yang mengaku pemimpin...
Di akhir hayat kemelut ini, pasti ramai yang inginkan... APA SEBENARNYA?
Berikut adalah penerangan lengkap dari Prof Agus yang dikatakan menghalalkan Persidangan Bawah Pokok.... sumber informasi dari Dato' KudaKepang and thanks Dato'...
(i) sidang itu mengikuti Peraturan Tetap Dewan;
(ii) sidang tersebut mengikuti undang-undang Tubuh Negeri, dan
(iii) sidang berkenaan ditetapkan oleh Speaker.
Malangnya, ketiga-tiga syarat yang saya nyatakan ini
tidak dilaporkan oleh pihak akhbar. Saya juga ditanya oleh pihak akhbar, adakah perkenan Sultan diperlukan? Saya jawab, perkenan Sultan adalah wajib sekiranya sidang lepas adalah prorogue (dihentikan), tetapi, tidak perlu sekiranya sidang lepas 'was adjourned' (ditangguhkan). Hal ini dilaporkan oleh media berkenaan.
Untuk membaca selanjutnya carilah blog Dato' KudaKepang!
Apa yang dapat dipelajari di sini... rakyat hari ini, tidak semudah itu menelan apa saja maklumat samada di arus perdana ataupun di laman blog apatah lagi kalau mulut-mulut yang suka mengomel di kedai mamak. Rakyat akan sentiasa mencari kepastian kerana sumber-sumber maklumat di merata tempat.
Samada Pakatan Rakyat ataupun Parti Memerintah, sejauh mana ingin menipu rakyat?
Laporan Raja Petra - 'The Truth that refuses to surface' dan Altantuya: Bagaimana dan Mengapa dia dibunuh? Siri pembunuhan Altantuya yang terkini, telah dilaporkan di Perancis dan sumber balas telah dibongkar oleh 'A Voice' siapa sebenar pemberita di Perancis tersebut... 2 sumber maklumat yang perlu dibaca!
Rakyat perlu membaca dan perlu berfikir serta menilai... SIAPA SEBENAR YANG MEMAYUNG RAKYAT?
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Thursday March 5, 2009
Things looking up for condom makers during stiff times
Tee said people were unwilling to forego the pleasure of having sex during recession but were unwilling to shoulder additional commitment such as having children.
He said usage of condoms was expanding in countries such as the US, Europe, Japan and Singapore, which have already slipped into recession. Demand for condoms in the last quarter of 2008 had been good when the credit crunch and financial crisis started in the US, he added.
[Just some suggestions for the needies... care to share?]
“Many people find that engaging in sexual activities is one way to relieve stress and de-stress in these trying times,” he said.
Takaso manufactures condoms under its brand names Playsafe and Romantic, and baby products under brand name Japlo. It exports these products to 39 countries. It is also involved in the trading of baby apparel, infant milk and toiletries and contract manufacturing of condoms for other companies.
Deep Tots :
Who says the world is at total economic crisis? Theres still room for business out there... Malaysia produce rubber, sources available... lets leverage and produce more condoms for the needies out there... Times are so stiff and let us take a break!!! No forex... no politics... no stimulus budget... lets produce!!!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
UMNO for the people then LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!!!
Lets see what the so called experts has to say;
1. Have these Ketuanan Rakyat Crooks no decency at all : bigdogdotcom
2. V. Sivakumar's constitutional expert : JebatMustDie
3. Chin Peng dan Pokok Rakyat di Perak : Rocky's bru
4. Press Release - Let the people decide : The Malaysia Bar
5. Democracy is dead in Malaysia : Straight Talk
6. Tommy Thomas : 'Speaker has powers to recall assembly' : Screenshots
7. Split opinions : Bernama - between an assistant professor of uiam n associate professor of ukm
The key issue raised now lies whether the last meeting adjourned or terminated?
If it was prorogued, only the Sultan of Perak (“HRH”) can summon the Assembly: if it was adjourned, then the Speaker can convene.
No matter what, even it takes God to speak to everyone of them... Give back the people's right. FULL STOP!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Subsequent to my earlier posting on Great Mind Discuss Ideas... TDZ and linked to Dato' Ariff's posting, I have missed this interesting figure... Mr Khir Toyo.
He is the other guy that Khairy must watch out...
I wrote a letter to him. I said I have received many reports. I did some investigation. And I believed them to be largely true...
He actually came to see me. He wanted to explain his side of the story. I told him - no, you answer to God.
Deep Tots:
- Tell us UMNO, your leaders are bunch of corrupted clans? TDZ has made his statement and it is serious... Neither be it an accusation nor it could be hypothetical, we shouldn't ignore TDZ's statement... Man of less words has spoken!
- Mr Khir Toyo obviously trying very hard to his last breath to be holier-than-thou... an obvious flip-flop for Pemuda UMNO.
- Lets vet thru again these candidates running for Chief Pemuda UMNO post, Mukhriz - so far not much being said about him on this issue, Khir Toyo - his involvment is at large now until TDZ wants him to speak to God, Khairy - who will deny his mentorship manouvering the country's turmoil?
- Dear Pemuda UMNO, please do not damn UMNO for what was being started well by your past... It seems as long as a candidate is packed with gold, its ok to contest even if you are so corrupted, the devil in disguise and demonized.
- GOOD LUCK UMNO! Would we dare further to lay our future to the hands of UMNO again? May Allah have mercy to U!
- Would the PM2B able to save these all? Only if he would be the PM2B as there's sms text going around as Rocky's "KEJUTAN BUAT UMNO" and another surprise from A Voice.
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be... will be). The d-day for Perak tomorrow.
The de facto BN government has declared an attempt to hold an emergency sitting of the state assembly a threat to national security. Whoever is involve tomorrow will face the ISA detention?
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be... will be).
On the other end, Perak Speaker V Sivakumar has called for an emergency sitting of the state assembly tomorrow where a vote of confident for PR government lead by Datuk Seri Nizar and subsequently call for the state legislature to be dissolved.Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be... will be).
[The royal 1st conference in Kuala Kangsar]
I speak as a Royal but speak for the Rakyat. And rest assured there are many other Royals who share my view. Don’t allow a handful of those who sit on the throne intimidate you into thinking that you are alone, representing the Rakyat, against the Monarchy. No, we are with you, as are many other Royals.
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be... will be)...
What will be? Chaos in Perak! My plea to Sultan Perak, be wise for the sake of the rakyat... Politicians come and go, rakyat stays and the monarchy should earn the respect. Therefore dear Tuanku, whatever will be, should be... let the rakyat decide what they want and we surely know what we want!No one is so daulat unless with the mercy of Allah... AllahuAkbar!
Monday, March 02, 2009
For religion, race n the country... convince the rakyat dear Pemuda UMNO!
Read the comment columns here, and be very scared. UMNO is inviting their funeral much earlier!
The rakyat invite Dato' to run a poll in his blog on this simple perception:
Just pick any of the above suggestions... will it be a positive or negative perceptions or simple facts!