Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy now? Want to know what actually happened ?
MalaysiaInsider reported Government to target blogosphere next... Click to read further.
They have started with Malaysia Today, soon more bloggers will be censored. If the king of bloggers are not bothered, why should we?
Here's what Malaysiakini reported;
Malaysia Today blocked! Order from MCMC
Andrew Ong | Aug 27, 08 5:29pm
In a rare move, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has ordered all internet service providers (ISPs) to block controversial online portal Malaysia Today.
MCMC chief operating officer Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, when contacted today, confirmed that the block was ordered by the commission, which is the regulatory body for online content.
"It is being blocked because we found that some of the comments on the website were insensitive, bordering on incitement," he told Malaysiakini.
As at 7pm, a check by Malaysiakini showed users are unable to access Malaysia Today through three major ISPs - TMnet, Maxis and Time. However, users can still access the errant website through Jaring.
This is the first time such curbs have been initiated against a non-pornographic website, posing questions as to whether the government is reneging on its no-Internet censorship pledge.
Under the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Malaysia 10 Point Bill of Guarantees, the government promises to ensure no internet censorship.
The domain name - http://www.malaysia - has been unaccessible to TMnet subscribers since yesterday evening as a result of the blockage - known technically as 'DNS blackhole list'. [See full image]
http://www1. malaysiakini. com/doc/blocked. php
http://media1. malaysiakini. com/140/8a8a67d1 468f7265b3ff6217 511583fc. gif
Local internet users however can still access the website by typing in Malaysia Today's IP address or an alternative web address in their web browsers.
http://202.75. 62.114/
http://mt.harapanma 2008/
'Ethical blogging'
Mohamed Sharil said MCMC had instructed all ISPs to block access to Malaysia Today based on complaints received by the general public regarding offensive comments posted on the website.
Asked if the move to block Malaysia Today went against the government's guarantee of Internet freedom, he said that the matter was subject to interpretation.
"We are governed by the Communications and Multimedia Act (1998) which allows us to take preventive measures and advise our license holders (such as ISPs) when a service user may be contravening national laws," he said.
Under Section 263 of the Act, a licensee must "use his best endeavour" to prevent his/her facilities from being used to violate any law in the country".
Mohamed Sharil said that MCMC will be communicating with the Malaysia Today owner Raja Petra Kamaruddin and other blog owners soon regarding "ethical blogging".
"We are not against blogs, but we would like to see ethical blogging," he stressed.
RPK: Why should I protest?
Meanwhile, Raja Petra said he is in the dark as to why his website was being blocked, adding that he heard rumours of a MCMC circular.
"I couldn't be bothered to protest (against the move). What do you expect me to do? Do you think they would listen?" he asked when contacted.
Over the years, Raja Petra has attracted a strong fan base and a string of lawsuits due to his no-holds-barred articles and knack for posting sensitive documents online.
In an immediate reaction, Communication and Multimedia Licensee Association (CMLA) - which represents all ISP licence holders in Malaysia - urged bloggers to practice self-regulation.
"We support the open flow of information across the Internet and a self-regulating environment, " said CMLA chairperson Afzal Abdul Rahim.
"The best way for us to find some amenable middle ground between airing opinions and being partial to community sensitivities, we strongly urge the blogosphere to practise a commensurate amount of self-moderation, " he said.
Need more sources?
Malaysia Today is blocked by BN Govt - Fudzail
Pembantaian ke atas bloggers - Penarik Beca
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Heartiest Thanks to Permatang Pauh...

We won... We won...
Thanks to rakyat Permatang Pauh!
Thanks to the Malays
Thanks to the Chinese
Thanks to the Indians
Thanks to Pakatan Rakyat!
Thanks to PKR
Thanks to DAP
Thanks to PAS
Who else to convey my thanks?
To SPR... the election went smooth even the 'hantu' tried haunting around
To PDRM... you worked extra hard even unnecessary
To Mr CM of Pulau Pinang... the day off did gave the impact
Nevertheless, thanks to UMNO too
... you let the rakyat spoke well again
... you made the rakyat realised how irrelevant your party today... time to say 'aud lang syne'
... you proved that you will never change
... your approach were so outdated... hey, we wish to believe your drama
... day by day... your nightmares are getting worse... your days are numbered
... some said, the final nail to your coffin will be very soon... so be very very scared
Last but not least,
Thanks to DSAI and his family. Congratulations!!! Please dont let US down!!
DSAI is still relevant... for our NEW DAWN!!! [told you so....]
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dapat baca blog-blog dari sahabat-sahabat yang sudi update, jutaan terima kasih. Antara yang benar-benar menarik hati, Topeng Perak from Perisik Rakyat blog -
".... Hangpa pi makan, ada pulis kat kedai makan, hangpa pi supermarket, ada pulis dekat supermarket, hangpa pi stesen minyak, ada pulis kat stesen minyak, hangpa pi ceramah, ada FRU, unit SB, pulis lalulintas & pulis baju biru dekat ceramah, hangpa pi hotel, ada pulis kat hotel...kat bendang aku tak sempat nak singgah lagi...nanti ada free aku pi check ada ka tak tak pulis."
Nak tau lagi?
Kenapa la gu tu? Rasanya abang2 dan kakak2 polis sure seronok sakan dan bangga dapat bertugas kat Permatang Pauh. Manakan tidak... depa pun akan masuk tumpang sekole sama-sama menyambut bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia tak lama lagi... (I am very but not over confident).
Esok2, bila dah pencen, boleh jugak cerita kat cucu2... tok wan n opah n nenek sama2 nyambut Perdana Menteri kat Permatang Pauh... oooppppsss Perdana Menteri pilihan rakyat bukan Perdana Menteri pilihan kroni.
Tapi mana pi abang2 baju hijau? Ish... depa tak dijemput? So, depa tak dapat sama2 masuk 'Hari ini dalam Sejarah' nor? Ini tidak adil... jemputlah jugak.. bawak sekali submarin yang baru beli... skyhawk yang dah lama tak berapa nak guna tu...
Heran sungguhlah gomen kita ni... Takut tak bertempat... Tapi depa memang patut takut pun... Manakan tidak... Rakyat satu Malaya sama2 doakan kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat dan rakyat satu Malaya bermunajat... Allahu Akbar!
I wish good luck to BN and a victory for Pakatan Rakyat! Amin!
To Dato' Seri Anwar - TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH... u are our only HOPE for a NEW DAWN!
To UMNO and BN - even if you loose - You are still Malaysians.
These a re some of the links of local bloggers who, i am told are working the ground for the DSAI campaign. These guys have definitely got a headstart on the rest of us on the news.
Please help to disseminate.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Evil Pertahankan Abdullah 20 08 2008
Saya akan pertahankan hak Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang merujuk saya sebagai Evil. Saya juga akan pertahankan hak Abdullah menuduh saya berniat jahat. Saya hormati hak Abdullah sebagai individu dan menghormati haknya untuk berkata-kata.
Sekarang bolehkah Abdullah menghormati hak saya?
Dendam kesumat Abdullah terhadap saya tidak perlu dibangkitkan hingga melibatkan perundangan negara.
Jika Abdullah yang berada di singgahsana merasa sedih melihat Jalur Gemilang diterbalikan secara maya di alam siber oleh saya, seribu kali lagi saya merasa sedih bertanggungjawab menerbalikan jalur gemilang itu.
Setiap hari bila saya membuka blog saya, hati saya terguris melihat jalur gemilang ini terbalik. Namun saya tabahkan hati saya kerana bagi saya nilai masa hadapan dan nilai nyawa seorang rakyat Malaysia lebih utama dari segala perlambangan.
Seterusnye : klik...
Article saya menyokong kempen ini : I DECLARE THAT...
Deep Tots :- Terkini : Polis telah pun melakukan siasatan tetapi tiada penahan dilakukan... Apa maknanye tu?
- Minta maaf Pak Lah, saya salah seorang penyokong tindakan dan saranan Sheih Kickdefella atas prinsip kedaulatan negara serta prinsip rukunegara telah dicemari serta diruntuhkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin saya yang ada sekarang.
- Rujuk semula Prinsip Rukun Negara kita... adakah kepimpinan Pak Lah benar2 menghormati prinsip2 itu?
- Selama 51 tahun Malaysia merdeka, apabila menjelangnya tarikh keramat 31Ogos, pemimpin negara sentiasa mengingatkan kepada rakyat betapa wajibnya rakyat berterima kasih kepada mereka. Apakah sumbangan rakyat kepada negara? Its always rakyat... rakyat and rakyat!
- Rakyat dikerah membangunkan negara, rakyat diwajibkan membayar cukai, rakyat dipaksa menurut kata, rakyat digeruni dengan kuasa... tidak lain dan tidak bukan rakyat dianggap hamba kepada pemimpin negara.
- Selagi Pak Lah in denial that your rakyat has awaken... tiba giliran rakyat menuntut hak kami... dengan kudrat bijaksana serta 'PERCAYA KEPADA TUHAN'. Tuntutan hak rakyat tidak melampau, apa yang rakyat kehendaki hanyalah; Rakyat bayar gaji pemimpin, beri kuasa kepada pemimpin maka jaga dan hormati hak kami...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16 — Petronas Gas Bhd chairman and director Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican has resigned as chairman and director effective yesterday to give way to Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin, who was redesignated as chairman and director.
In a statement to Bursa Malaysia, the company said Wan Zulkiflee's previous position was director of Petronas Gas.
Mohd Hassan still retains his post as Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) president and chief executive officer.
Petronas Gas is one of the four subsidiaries of Petronas listed on the Bursa Malaysia.
It is involved in providing gas processing and transmission services to Petronas and its customers as a throughput company. — Bernama
He is tall, has his mother's fair Chinese skin and speaks Cantonese with the Chinese reporters covering the PAS muktamar in Ipoh. But it is his polished English that sets him apart."
Analysis by JOCELINE TAN August 18, 2008 Mon
By the time the PAS muktamar ended, the party's three ulama superstars had shown that they were again in total control of the party.
THE Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammed Nizar Jamaluddin is much better looking in person than in pictures.
He is tall, has his mother's fair Chinese skin and speaks Cantonese with the Chinese reporters covering the PAS muktamar in Ipoh. But it is his polished English that sets him apart.
He is also the new star of PAS and party members have been lining up to have their photographs taken with him.
Nizar, whom party people refer to rather quaintly as "Datuk Seri Engineer Nizar," now ranks among the "professionals" in the party.
The professional group has been on the rise in PAS since 1998 when the Anwar Ibrahim sacking sent droves of well-educated Malays into PAS.
Their technocratic style and broader worldview was like fresh air blowing into a closed room.
This group did so well in the 2007 party polls they almost eclipsed the conservatives.
READ FURTHER .... TheStar Online
Deep Tots:
- A new star is born not only accepted by the Islamic Party members but admired by Malaysians of multi races.
- A true gem is always hidden in deep sea and soil but imitations normally surface and scatters all over. Thats the norm!
- If the non-muslims or also known as the kafirs, writes well for her appreciation of Allah's creation why cant the so claimed muslims at least learn how to appreciate and acknowledge.
- PAS members should uphold your principals of Islam and at the same time learn to listen others especially what other races have to say. We adhere to 'HabluminaAllah' and uphold to 'HabluminanNas'.
- We respect the ulamas for our references but the young Turks such as Dato' Seri Nizar would take PAS further for secular challenges.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
UiTM : The non-Malays are not interested because....
Mara was set up to help bumiputera students get their education in Malaysia. Let them have their own institutions if they think the concept of staying in their own cocoon makes them better.
Just allocate more local university spaces for non-bumiputeras. The whole concept of having 10% participation from non-bumiputera and foreigners is to prepare the bumiputeras to be more competitive when facing the global community. It is their loss anyway.
What should we non-bumiputera be worried or angry about? However, I'm angry at the Umno politicians who made a fuss out of this whole issue.
Umno claims to be the protector of the bumiputera, yet their actions only tell me that what they are doing is for Umno survival, not for the good of the Malay race. They do not want the Malays to progress.
You see, as long as they could keep the bumiputera a marginalised race in the country, Umno will still exist and stay relevant. If all bumiputera are well to do, then why do they still need Umno?
I hope one day the Malay race will realise Umno's evil ploy and I hope the day will come very soon. Please, let us not be angry with the UiTM students and graduates. They are just tools used by these Umno politicians.
I know of many UiTM graduates who are hardworking and honest. They just want an equal chance and opportunity to survive in this world, as do all of us.
I'm afraid that their leaders do not see far enough in the future to take them further, and this is making it worse for them.
Har Wai Mun: The MB's reasoning for his suggestion is to allow UiTM students to gain more exposure and be friendlier to people of other races.
If anyone thinks his reason is not correct, the logical counter-point would be along the lines of either ‘the suggestion would not allow students to gain more exposure and be friendlier to other races,' or ‘allowing students to gain more exposure and be friendlier to people of other races is not beneficial'.
Hopefully, the MB's suggestion will be viewed constructively and is not obscured by communal sentiment. Non-bumis will be an asset to UiTM.
Quoting a declaration on various placards on parade at the demonstration, the MB's suggestion might not only ‘Selamatkan UiTM' (Save UiTM), but might propel UiTM to be a world-class university that makes all Malaysians very proud!
Anti Double-Standard: It is unfortunate that the MB of Selangor's view about UiTM made him become a racial and political scapegoat when all he was trying to do was foster greater racial harmony in the country and encourage better quality bumiputeras to go through an open university system.
After all, he was only proposing a 10% allocation for non-bumiputeras and foreign students. In fact, allocating a small percentage of places for non-bumiputera students has already been practised by the present BN government in fully residential schools. (sekolah berasrama penuh)
This has happened even though these schools were originally meant for bumiputera students coming from low-income families.
Thus, Khalid Ibrahim's proposal concurs with the present government's line of practice - only that he is trying to extend it into the universities.
If UiTM remains die-hard on its decision to keep the university as an all-bumiputera institution of learning, then why does it have a programme of study known as 'UiTM International' and why is it scouting for foreign students from abroad to study there?
I know that UiTM has even participated in an international exhibition on higher education in China as late as last year in order to enroll students from China to study at UiTM.
What has UiTM to say on this matter? We would like to hear from the vice-chancellor on this question.
Kaisim: I salute the Selangor MB for having the courage to make this call to open UiTM to non-Malays. This is the type of leader we need to build Malaysia. A leader representing a multi-racial country cannot be narrow-minded and selfish.
Schools, colleges and universities are places for our future leaders to mix and become good citizens. Open any religious text - where does it say that you only have to help your own kind?
Ibrahim Abu Shah, vice-chancellor of UiTM, has acted like a politician and made absurd statements about Khalid`s good intention.
Ibrahim should concentrate more on becoming a politician. Only then he can make drastic changes to universities to suit his whims and fancies.
Many politicians forget that Malaysia needs policies that emphasise need rather than race. We must never forget that, just as there are many rich Malays and non-Malays, there are many poor and unfortunate ones as well.
We wish there were more good and responsible politicians who could speak the language of peace, fairness and unity at a time when many of us view with concern the deteriorating spirit of tolerance from an ethnic and religious perspective.
Richard Teo: When Abdullah Badawi assumed the mantle of prime minister, he vowed he would be a leader for all Malaysians.
However, his vetoing the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Menteri Besar's call for UiTM to be opened to non-bumiputera, clearly showed that what he espoused was not what he had meant and that the PM is a leader of only one race.
No leader of a country that is diverse and multi-ethnic can ever perpetuate a policy that favours one race but claims magnanimously that he is a leader for all.
The myopic policy of enrolling one exclusive race in an institution of higher learning will result in a generation of Malays growing up without contact with other races.
Such a policy will have adverse implications on future race relations, particularly when religion has already created a wide chasm between the three major ethnicities of the populace.
This proposal is a legitimate plea to open up UiTM so that some form of competition can be given to the otherwise isolated Malay students. This in turn would also allow some form of integration among the races and facilitate multi-racial identity.
It is rather unfortunate that Ibrahim Abu Shah should even oppose such a plan, since you would expect an academic to be supportive of attaining academic excellence by opening its institution to students based on merit.
It is ironic that an academic who chooses mediocrity as an enrollment policy should be appointed vice chancellor of an institution that professes to be churning out students who 'now hold top positions in both the public and private sectors'.
Adrian CF Ng: To say I was shocked by what was said is an understatement - I was actually
dumbstruck. I cannot understand why the UiTM students are so reluctant to accept change.
The well-respected former corporate figure, the MB of Selangor has merely suggested opening up 10% to non-Malays. He has a vision, a long term one.
Is it really so important that we have to segment our Malaysian society? At this level? Enlighten me, please.
In addition to this, the issue is not about Malays or non-Malays. Look at the standards of all of our local universities - where are we now?
At a time where global universities are competing for top academics to study or conduct research at their universities, our local students are rejecting competition.
What a shame. Look at Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford and Harvard, just to name a few. Why are top students wanting to get a place in these prestigious universities? Think a bit, local grads,
think - use your heads for once.
These universities are the places where all the top students are and where they can learn from each other. In order to improve, we need to learn, and to learn from the best, if possible.
No wonder our local graduate unemployment rates are so high, and are getting higher. Just like what the uncles, aunties, pak cik and mak ciks say - ‘No standard!' I couldn't agree more...
Elsie Goh Siew Khim: Once again, this PM has put his foot into his mouth. He did not check his facts and history, and without hesitation exhibited his power to veto the call to open UiTM to non-Malays.
Past records of UiTM will prove that two Chinese non-Muslims were admitted into UiTM, and there was no fuss, no protests, no veto, etc. The double standard practised by the BN-Umno regime is obvious.
When it comes from them, everything is a non-issue. Could it be that these two girls were admitted because their parents were/are BN supporters?
Whatever it is, I demand that the PM explain to the rakyat why non-Malays are not allowed in UiTM. Why were these two Chinese non-Muslim girls allowed in UiTM?
If the PM is unable to provide a logical explanation fit for human consumption, then this confirms the perception held by a huge majority of Malaysians that this PM is incompetent and should gracefully resign.
Otherwise, we have no respect for this man.
Michael Sun: I find the reaction by the UiTM students and the vice-chancellor to be very racist, immature and definitely lacking in wisdom befitting an institution of higher learning.
UiTM students screamed that ‘UiTM is Hak Melayu' and that it needs to follow the constitution.
Firstly, the constitution only spelt out the ‘special position' of the Malays in respect to jobs in the government service.
UiTM has been funded by taxpayers' money, and according to Dr Mahathir Mohamad, 90% of individual taxpayers are non-Malay Muslims.
So here you are, using our money to fund a university that is not open to us.
Secondly, education is a right under the UN Human Rights Convention. Of course, Malaysia dares not sign it, as we do not practice human rights.
Why, then, do we tax the non-Malays to fund a university solely for the Malays? Is this an Islamic Hadhari way of justice?
Thirdly, look at the Harvards, Cambridges and Oxfords of the world - do they restrict their student enrollment by race?
No wonder the UiTM graduates cannot find jobs, save those taking professional accountancy courses.
Unless and until UiTM changes its mindset, the university will remain mediocre. God really has to bless Malaysia and protect us.
Yeap Cheng Liang: I am very disturbed by this recent event. When I looked at the UiTM students' demonstration and all the shouting about defending Malay rights and calling Khalid pengkhianat bangsa, I wept.
I wept for this country, the country that am I supposed to love unconditionally, and I looked at my little child and asked whether this country still loves me and my family.
It is not that non-Malays will immediately accept UiTM's offer if they open up that tiny 10% allocation - there are so many colleges and universities around, the choices are abundant.
What makes them think that non-Malays would want to apply at all?
For me, it's the betrayal of the promises this country had for my family and for future generations, for my daughter Hannah and many who are born in Malaysia.
I am very, very disturbed and sad that, after 50 years of Merdeka, we are still divided by race and religion.
Calling your own race pengkhianat bangsa is actually implying that the other races are invaders, that these other races are out to conquer Malaysia and are not fit to be in this country.
No doubt this is the saddest day of my life - sad because I realise that I am not recognised as a Malaysian, no matter how good my Bahasa Malaysia is, no matter how long I have stayed here.
Sad because my Malay friends will be called pengkhianat bangsa just because they are fighting for a better Malaysia.
True Blue Malaysian: For the past 50 years, Umno has made Mara institutions a breeding ground for perpetuating Ketuanan Melayu.
Mara graduates will end up with government offices, and this is where policies will be implemented and carried out throughout the country.
Many will end up as top government officers and directors. Will they practise sound and fair governance? Are they of the right calibre? Look at the qualities of some of the vice chancellors and professors - you can tell.
They do not show the true traces of scholars. True scholars and academics, such as Ungku Aziz and his peers, are all gone and have been replaced by a bunch of party cronies running our institutions of higher learning.
The whole country is in a mess because capable people are not given the chance to run the government machinery, and only mediocre, incompetent and untrustworthy people favoured by the current and past government.
It is no wonder the education system has gone down the drain, thanks to their ‘under siege' mentality and their imaginary fears of being overwhelmed by ‘others'.
The results show - compare us with Singapore. We were on par with them in almost everything 50 years ago.
Now we are left far behind, in education especially. I believe we are all aware of it, but to the government, it does not matter. What matters most is the preservation of their own race and religion..
Cinaputra: When talking of UiTM opening to other races, I really wonder whether UiTM students have any pride of their own. Are they too weak to compete with others, with non-bumis?
Or do they feel that this university is only for the highly privileged, elite class of people - the so-called Ketuanan Melayu class?
They is a Malay proverb that I will never forget - seperti katak di bawah tempurong - that exactly describes those who are not open to challenges.
In my opinion, the BN is not helping them. The ministers' children will be sent to the UK, USA, Australia, etc. Why not UiTM?
Ipohwood: I'm a non-bumiputera parent and I strongly support the move by some UiTM students to protest the proposal by Selangor MB to allocate 10% of seats to non-bumiputera students.
If UiTM is opened to non-bumiputera students, it could lead to serious negative consequences to the non-bumiputera students, such as
1. It is very likely that they will end up to be mat rempit or kaki lepak;
2. They may become unemployable, as UiTM is probably the lowest ranking public university in Malaysia;
3. Instead of making other UiTM students become more competitive, these poor non-bumiputera students may become less competitive, depending on what their potential allows;
4. This will deprive the non-bumiputera students from securing a place in other public universities such as USM, UTM, UM, UKM, UPM and others.
Imagine the devastation a parent will have should their children obtain four As for STPM but be sent to UiTM instead of UM, USM, or UTM just because UiTM is now open to non- bumiputeras!
Contrary to general belief, UiTM students, in this case, showed how farsighted they are indeed.
Truth: I hope Malaysians will understand and treasure the true values of ‘justice and fairness' in our society. One cannot expect a racial discriminatory policy to perpetuate forever in any nation.
How do we teach or explain to our children the justification of such a policy? How can we justify that such a discriminatory policy exists long-term in our multi-ethnic, multi-cultural world?
(Just look at the ethnic Chinese badminton players representing different countries in the recent Olympics.)
If poverty is what we need to address, let's address poverty. If underprivileged people need to be helped, let's help the underprivileged.
Race, culture and religion should never be used to discriminate against one community or another to serve one's own self interest.
Multi-ethnic, multiculturalism is a fact of life in the world we are living in. The notion of ‘truth, pprightness and fair play' must prevail in every aspect of our daily lives because there is no justice in ethnic or racial discrimination, no matter how you try to rationalise it.
You are just kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
Sionna: My friend was surprised to learn that UiTM was for bumis alone, as according to her, she has seen plenty of foreign students on the campus, ranging from Bangladeshis to Arabs students, just to name a few.
And these aren't students there for a visit; they're there to study. So, one wonders, does the UiTM vice chancellor really know who's studying in his campus?
Deep Tots :
- I am a proud breed of ITM during the 80s, during then it was just an Institut Teknologi MARA. I will go around with chin up telling people, products of ITM are so versatile even we only carry a diploma. We suit ourselves well to any organisations and any position. Just try us!
- At that point of time, race was never an issue eventhough most students are Malays. For all we know, our academic language is English. Our lecturers are from other races and some are foreigners. We even has the opportunity to study other languages such as Mandarin and Tamil. No problem at all...
- When ITM is UiTm (90s) today, the exes at first sight felt skeptical... Simply because, we realised that products of ITM in the 90s couldn't even write a sentence of English with correct grammar. What more if you wish to interact with them. The students standards are of no class... its so pathetic!! Lets not blame the students so much, its the system. Who set the system? Ask the Administrator....
- Challenges? We were never afraid of challenges. We compete fairly with UM, USM, UIA to name a few, and ask us in whatever field... We were one of the best higher institutes in debates and sports... Go check our track records in the 80s. We were once cream of the cream among the higher learning institutes.
- Today? Heard of UiTM? Sure... but of what substance? Campuses all over the countries and it is always the last choice to pursue your studies. If one would get at least 4As in their SPM, do you wish to pursue your studies in UiTM? There goes the cream of the cream... Therefore whats left for UiTM?
- Hope is all thats left for UiTM to be 'World Class' university. Long way to go... even you could not compete nationally, what more internationally... face that fact!
- Im saying or some may say it is an insult to UiTM, I still wish to carry myself as a proud ITM student. My VC never thought us to be 'kurang ajar' and waste our time in the street demonstration. My VC always alert us, we are being subsidised by the 'Rakyat's' sweat and tears and learn to be thankful and study hard! My VC taught us to be competitive, go out and make ITM proud!
- Therefore, I am part of others (not UiTM alumni) wish to give some wise thoughts to our dear sisters and brothers students... PLEASE MAKE UITM PROUD OF YOU... WISELY! Proof to the ITMs, you are worth to be called the 'Graduan' and do not let yourselves be abused by others even if it is your Vice-Chancellor.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Watch the clip... and watch how unreceptive of Donald Trump over Ombarasa's accusation over Piere being a homosexual. Mr Trump regard her statement of 'A man in the closet' is way too serious!

You disgust Malaysia pretty boy... Do you have to mention in the Name of Allah that your arse is a pleasure? You do not know DSAI will be contesting for the by-election? Where are you? Even if you happened to be hiding in Gua Niah, Digi still has coverage there... you mean you just woke up?
Malaysia, please do not waste time on such issues... why should we disgrace ourselves with such immoral pledge when on the other end someone is victoriously branding malaysia in the eyes of the world!
Friday, August 15, 2008

Up to us then... Nice packaging and nice presentations but....
Ramadhan is just around the corner, just becareful!!
We are not against the Jews, but never a "YES" to Israel.

[a nite of lust and viagra... the sex booster for the employees]
Deep Tots :
- Surprise! Surprise! Such shows hosted by one of Malaysia's reputable bank annual dinner recently took place in Kuala Lumpur. Its not a private party but being viewed by public.
- Wonder what was the concept? By eyeing these pics, can anyone suggest? Perhaps obviously the bank needs some extra 'SEX BOOSTER' as incentives and bonus for their staff performance. On the other hand, do their staff had enough rewards for their hardwork and deserve the show?
- One can be very insensitive towards others, no doubt the majority race monopolised the bank, other races, religion and believes, as though are being igonored. What does Jabatan Agama Islam has to say about this? Will the 'Ketuanan Melayu' keep their lips zipped? Is this what we call - mind your own business?
- All i can say is, this is a disgrace and an insult to Malaysia. Has this reputable bank no respect for the public?
- Wonder how such shows could be allowed by DBKL and Jabatan Agama Islam. What has the Bank Negara has to say too? This bank is leveraging from islamic banking business too. Shouldnt the muslims have the say?
- If you allow such to happen, it could happen again and again as though this bank is encouraging 'SEX FOR BUSINESS'
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Therefore, I declare that;
I want peace not war
I want love not hatred
I will see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil… is politics evil?
I will just watch, read, listen and analyze our clowns drama
I will just watch, read, listen and analyze to our economics shakes
I will not waste my time, insult my intelligence, frustrates my hopes and wishes
All I am saying is…
For the love of my homeland
I AM IN SILENT PROTEST… for the moment.
And this is what I meant;
These are some who shares similar thoughts from;
Nation in Distress - Kickdeffella
Our beloved is in extreme danger - Rocky's Bru

by OrangKita
Deep Tots :
- Book Smart and Street Smart, Intelligent and Wise, Stupid and Silly - which of these could be synonymous to the Oxfords?
- By any chance, will any of these oxfords could be the 'boogey man' to safe our country from present economics crisis or its just theory talk!
- Most intelligent guys are nerds, even Einstein is ugly... but they could be great lovers!
- Until the claimed Oxfords possess any of the above items, then they are not that 'TULEN'
Friday, August 01, 2008
Heres the excerpts;
Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memilih untuk bertanding di kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh kerana ia adalah kawasan selamat selain takut kalah di tempat lain.
"Ini mesti kerana Anwar tidak yakin dengan penerimaan rakyat terhadapnya terutama sekali dengan beberapa isu yang melibatkan beliau akhir-akhir ini," katanya.
Deep Tots:
- The Malays are rich with their proverbs and this one suits MP Rembau's above statement. "Melata Dulang Paku Serpih, Mengata Orang Awak Yang Lebih".
- Same goes to you YB Khairy, why Rembau? Its just your mother's birth place. Your home address is in Damansara Utama, your parents house is there and therefore the last GE12 should be best seeing you contesting Nurul Izzah. Therefore isnt Rembau a safe zone for you too?
- Please do the rakyat a favour, try to speak something more matured or at best... JUST SHUT UP!!
- Your political comment is so typical "kampung" and is such an insult and embarassment to your Oxford Degree which i think this is what you became after your complecent win in Rembau. Wake up Khairy if you wish to stick longer in the arena.
- Below is what a leader candidate should be saying as compared to your statement;
Saying that there was no way Barisan could predict the outcome, Najib added that PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had obviously made his calculations by standing in his previous constituency.
"This is a place that would afford him the best chance to win, so we will leave it to the Permatang Pauh voters to decide. We will try our best."