Friday, October 31, 2008
Target cerita dan personaliti 'favorite'? 'Favorite' di kalangan bloggers bermaksud... kontroversi.
Dunia siber dan blog merupakan sumber untuk rakyat di era ini, mendapatkan maklumat terperinci yang mungkin benar, yang mungkin boleh dipersoalkan dan yang mungkin dijadikan segala yang mungkin!
Bloggers kini telah diiktiraf sebagai mata, telinga dan lidah rakyat!
Raja blogger - RPK telah di'idle'kan tetapi mana mungkin untuk meng'idle'kan beribu klon RPK di alam ini... Terbaru, untuk pengetahuan semua, RPK menulis kembali tapi betulkah RPK atau klonnya?
Isu terhangat terkini, Mr Spicy Khairy!
Blog pro-Khairy mengakui usaha-usaha jahat telah dijalankan untuk memburukkan bos mereka kerana bos mereka akan bertanding untuk calon no. 1 Pemuda UMNO.
Pemuda UMNO untuk UMNO untuk Barisan Nasional tetapi mereka lupa... UMNO tidak mewakili rakyat majoriti di Malaysia ini! Sekiranya penyokong-penyokong Khairy mengkhususkan usaha-usaha jahat ini terbit daripada ahli-ahli UMNO... mereka terbukti salah!
Di mata kasar, UMNO untuk ahli UMNO tetapi bagaimana UMNO boleh menafikan kehendak rakyat? Mungkin kami tidak bersama mengundi atau bermesyuarat, tetapi yang pasti rakyat memberi perhatian... perhatian yang sangat-sangat serius! Prihatin rakyat melampaui prihatin ahli UMNO sendiri kerana mereka yang akan memastikan hidup mati UMNO.
Ada di antara rakyat yang masih meletakkan kasih sayang terhadap UMNO dan mereka tidak terikat dengan permainan UMNO. Di sinilah peranan mereka... blogging
Bloggers terdiri daripada pelbagai pendirian dan persepi politik tetapi yang pasti, mereka adalah rakyat Malaysia yang berkongsi maklumat dan yang pasti lagi mereka berani bertanggungjawab ke atas maklumat2 tersebut...
Mr Spicy Khairy kali ini dicabar untuk menidakkan dan menafikan gambar2 yang telah disiarkan. Challenge them will you?
Semua maklumat-maklumat terperinci mengenai insiden gambar itu telah disiarkan di sini....
Yang pasti, Mr Spicy Khairy bukan sahaja berdepan dengan usaha-usaha kempen didalam UMNO tetapi yang lebih mencabar usaha-usaha ini datangnya dari rakyat Malaysia.
You are facing with all corners of challenge unlike Mukhriz and Khir. In other words, the rakyat is giving signal to UMNO - to do or die if you choose Khairy! Up to you UMNO, we have made our choice clear.
All the best UMNO... dulu kini dan ... selamanya?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
- Gambar ini didapati didalam Blog prokhairy (click) Siapa orang putih bersama rakan Negro yang memakai pakaian sama T shirt berwarna hitam? Kenapa rakyat asing yang sering cenderung membantu pembangkang mahu dilihat bersama Khairy? Rahsia Khairy dibongkar lagi dan kita menunggu Khairy untuk perjelaskannya dan sekurang-kurangnya menafikan gambar ini!
- Khairy ingin berdebat? Berdebat sesama keluarga untuk membuka pekong sesama sendiri? Adakah Khairy sedar kesan ini? Matang betul budak ni... Kalau ingin sangat berdebat, kenapa dulu banyak kali lari? Ini kena tanye kawan-kawan Khairy juga tapi bukan yang 'SETIA KAtWANg' nya.
- Ini sajalah yang dapat dikatakan... KALAU SAYANGKAN UMNO, PASTIKAN KHAIRY MENANG! Kawan-kawan Khairy juga dapat perjelaskan tapi yang bukan 'SETIA KAtWANg' nya. Ada yang sanggup bertanya, setiap kali pilihanraya kecil atau PRU, UMNO terpaksa sorokkan ketua pemudanya dari orang ramai... seperti terjadi di Permatang Pauh?
- Ramai sungguh kawan-kawan Khairy terutama di alam siber dan 'SETIA KAtWANg' nya telah mula menjalankan cerita-cerita panas pihak lawan. Terkini mengenai Dr Khir Toyo.
- Kesemua pendedahan ini disambut baik oleh rakyat untuk mempercepatkan HIDUP MATI UMNO AKAN DATANG dan ini semua dimulakan oleh Khairy. Adakah abang-abang dan bapa mertua Khairy akan mendiamkan diri? Dipersilakan....
Jom kenali Khairy dengan lebih luas melalui blog tersebut;
- Khairy Jamaluddin : Just look at my track records - Jebat Must Die
- Apabila Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) menang tanpa bertanding di Bahagian Kuala Kangsar - Monolog Azli Shukri
- More to come... Stay tune!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks to Zubli - Satu Blog Total for challenging Khairy to debate on Money Politics. Well, this is not only for Khairy but other contenders too.
This, what Zubli has to say;
Alahai Khairy... Khairy Jamaluddin... apa cerita prinsip nii dek?
Adakah calon bertanding tiada Prinsip?
Ataukah Khairy punyai Prinsip terbaik?
Lain-lain kah Prinsip perjuangan para calon yang bertanding dalam UMNO.
Cuba spesifik!
Namun, Mantra dan Zubli Zainordin serius kali ini. Jika Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar serius perihal debat, maka usahalah pentaskan isu yang retorika. Jika hebat sangat sudah mula mencabar rakan calon, maka debatlah isu rasuah, politik wang dalam UMNO. Dedahkan fakta dan usul penyelesaiannya yang total. Jikalau setakat "Aku Hebat", dalam UMNO yang tidak pun boleh debatnya. Silakan Khairy Jamaluddin...
Deep Tots :
- Only us and how about other bloggers?
- If the contenders did not reply, I would personally state that... YES! THESE CONTENDERS ARE MONEY HUNTERS AND SUCKERS... wont you agree Zubli? Then, don't blame the rakyat for not paying attention to UMNO and their affiliates!
- Fellow bloggers, we have made track records and I dare to claim that;
- We have contributed to deny 5 states to Barisan Nasional
- Latest, Eurocopter deal is off
- Soonest, Altantuya's case, a reveal to no surprise!

Betulkah apa yang tertulis ini? Pahang Daily mendedahkan :
Maklumat yang diterima perihal kes Altantunya ialah Tun Majid selaku Timbalan Pendakwaraya menyatakan bahawa "Altantunya sudah dihantar balik ke Monggolia". Maka beliau pasti bahawa tertuduh kes itu akan terlepas dari hukuman. Ini berdasarkan kepada senario semasa mutakhir ini. Sebagai pendakwaraya beliau tidak seharusnya berbicara soal keputusan kes dikhalayak ramai hatta dihadapan rakan-rakan lamanya. Tindakan beliau mengeluarkan kenyataan tersebut dilihat sebagai petanda bahawa keputusan kes ini jelas akan menyebabkan ketiga-tiga tertuduh dibebaskan. Ini jelas bertentangan dengan prinsip "kerahsian" yang sepatutnya dipegang oleh individu seperti Tun Majid. Ucapan beliau dikhalayak ramai itu dianggap satu perkara yang tidak sepatutnya berlaku. Sebagai salah seorang individu yang terbabit secara langsung dalam kes berkenaan, beliau sepatutnya tidak menghebahkan kepada umum tentang keputusan kes berkenaan. Ini bererti terdapat satu kes "pecah amanah" berlaku disini. Beliau menyebabkan ramai pihak yang mula mengesyaki bahawa sememangnya perjalanan kes pembunuhan Altantunya dijalankan secara tidak telus.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Lets challenge Khairy and others to debate on - POLITIK WANG
Talk, debate, talk, debate... then they bark like hyenas, I can do this and I can do that... then they applaud until their palms are swollen and as though they are watching a soccer game, later holding simposioums here and there... thats all these UMNO clowns are good at!
And not forgetting too... then there will be flush of goodies and food around the clock and get bloated before end of the session
At the end of the day, nothing much will materialise... perhaps their notes will be well archived. THE END!
One can go on barking for hours and hours but one didnt realise they are just another copy-cat. What is there to talk about UMNO? Reform? Rejuvenate? Rebranding? Future and Fast Forward?
Mukhriz, Khairy and Khir Toyo.... you guys are bloggers. What a waste of the 21st century intelligence if you can't post your ideas, sights and views through your blog. Don't tell me PEMUDA UMNO members are still not IT savvy? Not surprise about that! Oh perhaps, Khairy is so carried away the Uncle Sam's style of campaign...
I would agree to this posting from Depa Kata and this is what it says,
Yang kawan-kawan nak tengok ialah apakah depa-depa yang berkenaan itu betul-betul hero yang boleh diharap atau sekadar tikus bergigi besar yang beria-ia nak membaiki labu.
Dan jawapannya tidak akan dapat ditemui di pentas perdebatan! "
and this........
'Hang ckp dgn Khairy, drp dok cdng debat tu lebih baik cdng calon2 bentang brp bnyk duit yg depa habih utk kempen n dpt utk dpt pncalonan. Lps tu soh depa sumpah dipatah lintaq yg angka hat depa bg tu betui.'
Another Brick in the Wall:
If you guys still wishes to debate publicly, the best topic to bark on would be 'POLITIK WANG' ... just debate on this one topic and see how it goes. Would you Khairy? Could you Mukhriz and Khir?
What say you fellow bloggers, lets challenge these candidates ...
Thanks to Datuk Kuda Kepang for the reminder and thus my conscience and many others of this Pak Lah is right - A man fill with ill feelings and wills...
Therefore, on the 3rd November 2003, this man Pak Lah's "usul penghargaan kepada Tun Mahathir" in Dewan Rakyat, was mere falsehearted. The gratitude was read as follows;
Menerima hakikat bahawa Ahli Parlimen bagi Kubang Pasu (Mahathir), yang menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia keempat sejak 16 Julai 1981, dan telah berkhidmat dengan penuh dedikasi, tegas, cekap, berkesan, cemerlang dan bijaksana, telah pun mengosongkan persada kepimpinan negara;
Menghargai serta menyanjung tinggi perjuangan, pengorbanan, budi, jasa dan bakti Ahli Parlimen bagi Kubang Pasu (Mahathir) yang amat murni, abadi serta tidak ternilai besarnya, menerusi pelbagai dasar, strategi dan program yang pragmatik, demi perpaduan dan ketahanan nasional, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan bangsa serta kemakmuran dan kegemilangan negara;
Menyedari serta menginsafi konsistensi, kesungguhan dan keprihatinan Ahli Parlimen bagi Kubang Pasu (Mahathir) di dalam perjuangannya memartabatkan Islam dan umat Islam di seluruh jagat, khususnya di negara Malaysia yang majmuk, menerusi penguasaan dan kecemerlangan ilmu di semua bidang kehidupan mutakhir;
Menghayati serta menyokong penuh kebijaksanaan Ahli Parlimen bagi Kubang Pasu (Mahathir) dalam menangani krisis ekonomi negara akibat kedurjanaan pengganas kewangan antarabangsa menerusi strategi ekonomi, kewangan dan pengurusan yang unik, efektif dan diiktiraf dunia;
Mengiktiraf bahawa Wawasan 2020 yang diilhamkan oleh Ahli Parlimen bagi Kubang Pasu (Mahathir) adalah satu doktrin perdana bagi perjuangan membina negara Malaysia yang terus berdaulat dan merdeka serta lebih bersatupadu, sejahtera, aman, makmur, maju, cemerlang, bermaruah dan berwibawa di era globalisasi dan neo-kolonialisme;
- Thanks to Datuk Kuda Kepang for the reminder once again! ... Read further to his blog
- We the rakyat will not expect 'a sorry' from Pak Lah but we can't allow to be lead by someone who has introduced a 'kurang ajar' culture to us.
- For this, we thank you Pak Lah for leaving us at your soonest!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008

Interview with the Sun, this is what the 32 controversial Pak Lah's son in law has to say in an interview. Much of what people think they know about him is urban legend?
His full interview text is posted in KJ's blog... read further
Some interesting thoughts to share and much questionable further!
Of course people say that I was an ambitious person because I took on this role very early in life. But if truth be told, it was because of that – because he asked and I obliged.- Deep Tots : ... a very naive reasoning, heard the word nepotism?
I never declared that I wanted to be prime minister, let alone prime minister by 40. I’ve never said that to anybody. Again, this has become some sort of urban legend about me, that “this is what he wants to do” but I never said that. And I don’t think it ever crossed my mind, until people started saying it. And then it didn’t even cross my mind to think it, in the way I wanted it, but it crossed my mind thinking why would people even want to say this about me. So, people, again, prescribed and prescribed many things to me which is divorced from the truth - Deep Tots : ...wonder who mooted this brilliantly?
I believe the Khairy Chronicles were a fictitious account, based on half-truths, slivers of information – and a whole fantasy world was spun around little bits and pieces of information... Deep Tots : ...proof that the Khairy Chronicles are baseless... Convince us!
...people actually like the party but not the people leading the party, termasuk saya sendiri juga (including myself). But we have to have this perception and see what went wrong. - Deep Tots : ... glad you realised it damn well, the rakyat will see to it!
We were excited when we went into Umno because we thought we were going to change Umno but Umno ends up changing us.” So, I said, well I don’t think it’s entirely true but nonetheless it’s a perception that I have to deal with and a perception that must be corrected. I’m willing to fight very hard to try to make sure that people look at Umno in a way that Umno deserves again. But that starts from the people within Umno. - Deep Tots : ... within UMNO is just part of the bigger picture, can you change the rakyat's perception?
I’m talking about the urban areas, the young people, who are talking about freedom, good governance, building institutions. So, I’m offering myself as this candidate who is talking about these things. People are saying, why are you talking about this? People in Umno don’t care about these things. - Deep Tots : ... can anyone in UMNO please confirm this statement! What does UMNO care then?
But I’m trying to tell them that people outside of Umno care about it and we must send a message that candidates vying for top positions in Umno are talking about this. Because, then they will say at least somebody is talking about it in Umno. Otherwise they will say nobody is talking about these reformist measures in Umno. - Deep Tots : ... correct me if I'm wrong, only now that only you realised?
So to me the danger with Anwar today is that everybody expects the most, that they will get everything. And this is going to be a recipe for some grave disaster in the near future. - Deep Tots : ... GE12 was a great failure for UMNO but a victory for DSAI. What went wrong and what went right?
Deep Tots :
Be careful what you plant now, it will determine what you will reap tomorrow. The seeds you now scatter will make life worse or better for your life or the ones who will come after. Someday you will enjoy the fruits, or you will pay for the choices you plant today.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Here it goes...
TheStarOnline|Sunday Oct 19, 2008
KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi does not rule out that an attempt is being made to push him out of office earlier than March and slammed his key critics Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
...“He is just creating disunity and hatred and acting like a party director,”... Read further
TheMalaysianInsider|Sunday Oct 19, 2008
“Who is he? He has left Umno but he still issues orders to members of Umno. The party does not need to take orders from anyone who is no longer a member of the party. He is trying to create a rift and incite anger and hatred. What is wrong with people who work with me? He is trying to teach people to hate one another, ‘’ said Abdullah in Kota Kinabalu last night.
He also attacked Muhyiddin for calling for party elections to be held earlier than March 2009. “Is he so impatient to become the deputy prime minister? That is, if he gets the support... Read further : Abdullah's outburst - Too little, too late
TV3 referred Pak Lah's PC's counter attack based on Tun M's article in his blog .... UMNO Elections but TV3 has failed to update their resources from Malaysian Insider's report on Tun M wants UMNO to be rid of 'Abdullah toadies' ... or maybe it was delibrate!
Until this very hour, Tan Sri Muhyiddin has clarified his statement, some bloggers has their points posted as in bigdogdotcom blog : REKOD 22 TAHUN TUN DR MAHATHIR MELAYAKKAN KRITIKAN KE ATAS UMNO DAN HALATUJU and Another brick in the wall blog : USAHA KALIMULLAH MENG-ULARKAN MUHYIDDIN TERBELIT SENDIRI.
In this manner, thanks to LKS for taunting PakLah's so called 'intelligent'. Lets read further what LKS has to say;
Why is LKS saying so? What are the incidents?
- Cabinet Ministers beginning to distance themselves from Abdullah after the Oct. 8 announcement.....
- Overnight reversal of role with Abdullah’s son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin transformed from “top dog” to “underdog” in Umno Youth chief election......
- The landmark Hari Raya Open House of Umno stalwart Rauf Yusoh on Tuesday evening, where the guests and guests-of-honour signal the real wielders of power in Umno and Barisan Nasional government today......
- Abdullah also zeroed in on Muhyiddin in his lambasting in Kota Kinabalu yesterday, as the International Trade and Industry Minister had called for the Umno party elections to revert back from March next year.......
- In fact, Mahathir had never hidden his position that he wants Abdullah to step down immediately, .........
- All I can say is.... "the mirror will tell the truth 'you'! and 'Easy come Easy go'... only you know what I mean.
- I heard it very clear, Pak Lah wants Tun M to shut up... but this is what Tun has to say, "You can try to shut me out but I have got a big mouth. I am going to use this big mouth...."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Zaid: Yes, of course. I seldom get annoyed and angry. But I am quite upset with him now. Firstly, I've always given him due respect. I've disagreed with him on many issues in the past, but I've never attacked him. I've never said bad things about him. Maybe because of his age, his achievements and all that.
But, unfortunately, he did not accord me that same respect. You know, when I was made a minister and he wanted to comment on me, he said: "That lawyer." He never mentioned my name. It's as if my name brings a bitter taste to his mouth. He would say: "That lawyer, that lawyer."
And now, of course, he mentions me in his blog. He attacked me. I ask myself, "Why?" Because I have never attacked him. But when I asked this question to my friends, some people think it's because when I was a minister, I tried to make amends for the 1988 sacking of the judges. And I proposed that, as you know, we should make some payment, a kind of ex-gratia payment as compensation to show our gratitude, and also, in a way, to say sorry for the mess.
But I did not go as far as to open an inquiry of any kind to blame anyone. I was just trying to help five old men and their families — two of them passed away — [to let them know] that their place in history is recognised. I wasn't trying to undermine Mahathir or blame anyone. But, I think, he must have felt that my doing all those things was calculated to embarrass him. I think that must be the reason for [the attacks].
So, it's not surprising that on this occasion, I must have hurt him. But I'm a nobody. I'm not a threat to him. His rendition of history is not going to be rewritten just because of me. He should be worried about (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim, for example. Because Anwar may be prime minister, or (Tengku) Razaleigh (Hamzah) may be prime minister. But, me? There's no need to attack me. So, I don't know.
..... He wants me to look bad. But he will not succeed. Because people know I'm nicer than him.
You're nicer than him? Oh, 10 times! (chuckles) You must quote that.
Datuk Zaid has high regards for Tuan Guru Nik Aziz!
But in my several meetings with (PAS spiritual adviser) Tok Guru (Datuk) Nik Aziz (Nik Mat), I feel assured because he told me Islam is not about abuse of power; it's not about corruption; it's about your soul, your commitment to the integrity and dignity of the human being, it's about kalbu, it's about your heart. And Islam is the controller. That's the word he used. He said it limits your excesses. So, he was more talking about transforming the culture, as opposed to a specific form of government...
You can have leaders from any party making some political pronouncements for political posturing. Because they think that's going to win them votes. But there are credible, moderate leaders in PAS also led by Nik Aziz. To me, he encapsulates the message of what we call political Islam. To him, justice is key, fairness is key, essential. And Islam is, to him, the heart...CLICK FURTHER
You see, politicians sometimes think they know everything. They are the final arbiters, you know. But, no, I think the people will decide.
...And politicians shouldn't underestimate the importance of people's ability to decide and to shape things.

But I believe that the young people of this country will determine the outcome of elections. I believe the young people of this country know the world better than some of these leaders. They have a more positive worldview.
- Thank you 'the' Datuk Zaid for recognising 'the' young people... the political era has changed and can UMNO even cope with era?
- UMNO's dare to change, reforms, reinvent... yet to proof! I doubt so much as I have written earlier... Convince us the rakyat!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Well, I do not pretend to know him well. And I don't want to prejudge.
I think he's obviously a clever man. I mean, he's smart. I think he knows what needs to be done. I think he's a decisive sort of person.
But my only concern is whether he will have the support, especially of the old guard; [and] the political will. Because, over the years, he's never taken any controversial positions. He's never really talked about reforms. So based on his track record, he may not be the reformer that we all hope for.
About the economy — this will be a tough test for him, because like law reform, the economy requires structural change as well.
But having said that, I hope that I'm wrong. Because he knows the issues, because he's smart, and if he can summon from somewhere the will to transform and change Umno itself, that would be good. But I doubt it.
Zaid still has regards for others too in UMNO;
Do you think there are any other leaders in Umno who are capable of initiating reforms? Do you like anyone in Umno still?
Well, I have high regard for (Datuk) Shahrir (Samad) and (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin (Yassin). I think they are the kind of leaders in Umno who will be able to do things, undertake reforms and so on.
See Part II tomorrow: Zaid responds to accusations made against him by former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad....
Friday, October 10, 2008
MELAKA: Panglima Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Datuk Abdul Aziz Jaafar dan artis Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan adalah antara 758 pemerima anugerah dan pingat sempena Harijadi Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka yang ke-70, esok.
Aziz menerima Darjah Cemerlang Seri Melaka yang membawa gelaran Datuk Wira manakala Shah Rukh menerima Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka yang membawa gelaran Datuk.
Deep Tots :
- Ayoyo... Melaka Maju 2010, pasti maju jaya!
- Cube tanye orang Melaka, Shah Rukh Khan banyak berbudi dan berbakti dengan rakyat Melaka ke? Sekurang-kurangnya mintalah contract dari dia tolong2 cuci set di Boliwood.
- Shah Rukh Khan tau tak pingat tu laku ke? Orang Malaysia sendiri ada yang malu nak mengaku dapat darjah Datuk dari Melaka tau!
- Gile ape Melaka ni?
- Pesta Boliwood tahun lepas, patutlah Cik Semah dan nenek-nenek pencen di Melaka practice berjoget boliwood non-stop... Shah Rukh Khan terpukau kot!
- Bakal Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, misi ke India pulak dah! Tak pandai cakap Inggeris... cakap hindustan pun ok lah!
- Pak Ali memang gemar orang luar... lihat je banner tu! Ramai calon tempatan tidak dipedulikan.
- Ni jawapan org melaka -
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Lets see what Tun Mahathir has to compliment further: (Sources : Bernama)
Dr Mahathir said: "Shut up."
he was not impressed with Najib's performance as deputy prime minister now.
Deep Tots :
- Not only Tun Mahathir could be cynical but he could be abruptly bold and the same time, wise and sharp.
- Has Tun Mahathir lost confident in Najib? As a deputy he is hopeless.. what can you expect from a hopeless successor?
- It seems that only Tun could shut everyone... latest Pak Lah before Anwar... who is the boss now?
- Well jokers! Better think more than twice - the 'tai-ko' has start to clench his claws. This is getting interesting.
- Ali Rustam - you can't even look straight into Tun's eyes... got the cheek to contest!
- Zahid Hamidi - are you the blue-eyed boy of him?
- Muhyidin - work well with Najib? How about contesting the 'supreme' post? RAHMAN theory to RAHMAM then!
- Good luck UMNO - once again i may say, the real 'tai ko' has started to clench his claws or even perhaps sharpening them. I'm reminding everyone - even Karpal is still haunted by him.
- Therefore, Mr Anwar - 2nd round of the battle?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The beauty of these web browser, you can click to all the pages that you prefer at one go... you are able to check your emails, gmails, your blogspot, blog portals, news portasl and etc. etc.
Another beauty that i discovered, with one click i'm fed with the 'X' news and most of them are well committed to update by fellow bloggers rather then the electronic and print media.
This one blog, which i consider is a 'must' to peep... "TUKAR TIUB" always meet my every morning... I wont elaborate further, therefore proof that I am wrong! Curious? Look no further...
Articles posted this morning;
p/s : Sorry En Isham, no permission granted from you yet... but i just can't resist.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
STILL REMEMBER ... (baa-daa-wee)(noun)
Badawi (baa-daa-wee) (noun): To start something full of promise but end in disappointment, failure and/or disaster. Eg:
- "I'm trusting you to perform this task well; don't do a badawi, ok?
- "Whatever I do, I will always find a way to badawise it".
- "France badawied their Euro 2008 campaign. England pre-badawied thiers, while Italy were guilt of over-badawification."
More suggestions for the Oxford and Webmaster:
A synonym to conspiracy : ROSMARE
Eg. There was a huge rosmare in Al-Tantuya's death. Mongolians were shocked with rosmare action by Rosmah.
You find more from our Cikgu KataTakNak and some suggestions would;
- His kayjayness is the real cause for his downfall.
- I never knew you are such and mca, you just do whatever he asks.
....Hakikat Sebuah Cinta
Why I like this song?
This song was sang by Saleem, Iklim at Pengasih Concert sometime ago. Guess who were there.. the Guest of Honor?
Che Det and his wife... they were mesmerized too... and why shouldn't I?

Setakat hari ini, UMNO telah ada 3 calon Timbalan Presiden dan masih ramai calon-calon teka-teki walaupun Pak Lah belum membuat keputusan. UMNO insider kata, letaklah 10 calon pun, semua bergantung kepada apa yang akan Pak Lah akan kata sehari dua ni...
Wow! Pertama kali, UMNO dan rakyat Malaysia telah iktiraf kata-kata Pak Lah adalah 'keramat' ataupun 'kiamat' bagi sesetengah pihak... khususnya UMNO!
Katakanlah, Pak Lah akan kata.... "SAYA AKAN PERTAHANKAN JAWATAN SAYA!".. apakah susulan-susulan yang mungkin berlaku?
- Najib terpaksa pertahankan jawatan Timbalan Presiden... sakit! sakit!
- Calon-calon 'kuda hitam' Timbalan Presiden akan menentang Najib... mampukah?
- Tan Sri Muhyidin akan menentang Pak Lah atau Najib? ...
- Peluang Ku Li bertanding dimakbulkan?
- UMNO memang akan benar2 reform... silap haribulan tunggang terbalik!
Pak Lah,“Ada kerja yang perlu disiapkan. Pembaharuan yang saya janjikan kepada rakyat pastinya perlu saya buat,''
Katakanlah, Pak Lah akan kata... "SAYA TIDAK AKAN PERTAHANKAN JAWATAN SAYA!"... mungkinkah ini yang akan berlaku?
- Najib hanya ditentang oleh Ku Li?
- Akan bertambahkah calon-calon 'kuda hitam' ?
- Tan Sri Muhyidin selesa dengan pertandingan Timbalan Presiden?
- UMNO kembali tenang?
“Anda tunggulah. Lepas tidak berapa lama, akan ada beberapa nama yang berundur dan tinggal satu atau dua sahaja (yang mahu bertanding),” katanya.
Paling ditakuti sekiranya Pak Lah akan berkata... "KITA MASIH BANYAK KERJA NAK BUAT... APA KATA KITA TANGGUH DULU!"... apa?
- Reform UMNO ... berani berubah... UMNO dah kiamat?
- Ahli-ahli UMNO akan berdemonstrasi?
- 'Kuda hitam' akan diputihkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat?
- Tun Mahathir dengan sinis akan kata... "I told you so!"
- Parti komponen BN... to be or not to be?
p/s : Terkini, UMNO insider telah berbisik-bisik kencang, Pak Lah akan pertahankan jawatannya... Please confirm this!
Monday, October 06, 2008
"Happy Hari Raya Eidul Mubarak Maaf Zahir Batin May this festival brings u lots of joy & happiness rahmat & barakah" fr RASTAM & Family
"Assalammualaikum. kata bbir,kadang2 tak terjaga janji2,..kadang2 terabai hati,..kadang2 berprasangka sikap,.. kadang2 menyakitkan rasa.'' Hidup ini lebih indah dan bermakna andai masih ada kemaafan dan kasih sayang.." Maaf Zahir & Batin. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI.¤c/insp azhar ~ ketua polis kbg kerian.
"شلآمت هاري راي عيدالفطري.معاف ظاهير دان باطين semoga segala amalan kita di terima ALLAH dan di lepaskan dari api neraka. Semoga di panjangkan usia agar bertemu ramadhan tahun hadapan. Dari Dr Zulhisham Ghazali(tokasid) , Dr Nor Azlida dan Muhammad Hafiz, Melaka.
"Sebelum talian SMS akn jem esok dan pd hari raya, saya ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA semoga Tan Sri, Dato', Tuan Puan serta keluarga ceria lagi berbahagia. = Dari Datuk Fadzil, isteri(2)? anak2 dan serta cucu2.
"B4 ÄidilfitRI datang,B4 Ramadhan pergi,B4 operator bz,B4 msg asyik pending,B4 kdt abis,tiTe näk m'ucapkn Minal aidil wal faizin möhon mäÅf zäHir & BÄtin" .. Abu Bakar, Kuching, Sarawak
"Cino apek digolar KAPIR. Cino muallaf digolar ISLAM. Bilo poso dikatokan MUSAFIR. Bilo rayo dikatokan IMAM. Selamat Hari Rayo Kito. Mano Lomang Eh?"...Razak Sekeluargo
"Jämbäñgäñ iñdäh lägi ßèrsèri, Meñjådì hìäsåñ dìäìdìlfìtrì, SMS dìkìrìm pénggåntì dìrì, Täñdå ìñgätåñ täk lupa dìhätì. SELÄMÄT HARI RÄYÄ MÄÄF ZÄHIR DàN BÄTIN"... Abdullah & isteri2
"Jeejah, dah siap masak? Aku dah siap. Penat betul sbb semalam tidor 3 pagi, bakar cake." ... SAM, Muar
"Ketupat Pulüut buat sendiri, Sayang api tidak berbara, Walau Kad raya X d beri, SMS tetap dhantar Tanda Ingatan D Hari Raya, "SLÄMÄT HÄaRi RaÄYaÄ, Ma'aÄÄF FìZiìiKaÄL & MenTaÄL" ... Nisa, Melaka
"PaNCiNg Di LaUt DpT TeNggiRi.. PaNCiNg Di DaRaT DpT PaTiN..SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa AiDiLFiTRi..MaaF ZaHiR & BaTiN..Maaf dipinta andai ada silap & salah yg sengaja & xsengaja..semoga bergembira dihari bahagia dsisi kuarga dan sahabat handai.. - sapri
"Salam satu ketulusan...Salam seribu keinsafan....Salam sejuta keampunan....SALAM AIDILFITRI .... SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN dp PENGIRAN
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri juga dari kami sekeluarga" - kaha & keluarga
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin" daripada Hamid Buang dan Keluarga
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-FitriMaaf Zahir dan BatinSemoga Syawal kali ini membawa kita keberkatan dan kerahmatanInsyaAllah"... TY, Fuzie, Nana dan Danish.
"Slmt bersahur. Esok dah last puasa. Lusa raya. Kesempatan ini sama2lah kita bermaafan diatas segala kesalahan semoga hidup terus aman dan sejahtera. Selamat Hari RayaMaaf Zahir dan Batin. - TY, Terengganu
"Syawal kini menjelang tiba. Dipohon ampun dan maaf diatas keterlanjuran lalu, dihalalkan termakan dan minum. Salam Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin" ... drp Rossley Basha & family.
"T kasih diatas ingatan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin dr saya sekeluarga"-nasirghani
"Täñgäñ kü hülür täk kesämpäiäñ, señyüm kü ükir täk kelihätän, sms kü kirim täñdä ingätän, d äidilfitri kitä bermääfän, sLMaT HRi RaYa"... ikhläs dr Shukri n fmly
Izinkan saya memohon maaf di atas segala kesalahan dan kekurangan di pihak saya sepanjang perkenalan kita dan didoakan agar kita semua mendapat keberkatan di sepuluh malam terakhir Ramadhan. Semoga segala usaha mencari LailatulQadar... diberkati InshaAllah ..Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin ...Prof Ashari
p/s : ... and many more. Not forgetting from fellow bloggers.. Thanks!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Empat hari lagi, mungkin lebih awal, pengumuman akan dibuat oleh Pak Lah.. yang pasti itu janjinya dan semua rakyat jelata menuntut janji itu.
Janji yang dituntut adalah seperti berikut;
- Samada Pak Lah akan bertanding mempertahankan kerusi Presidennya.
- Samada Pak Lah akan tidak mempertahankan kerusinya
- Samada Pak Lah akan mempercepatkan peralihan kuasa
- Samada Pak Lah dengan sengaja melupakan janji-janjinya
- Samada Pak Lah akan berdrama bila tarikh tempuhnya telah tamat dan memohon simpati ahli-ahli UMNO
- Samada Pak Lah akan menunda sekali lagi semua tarikh dan semua yang mungkin
Yang pasti... PAK LAH AKAN PANDAI AMBIL PELUANG dan bukan sesenang itu beliau akan melepaskan kerusinya tanpa bersyarat. Apakah kemungkinan syarat-syaratnya?

Apakah rasional kenyataan itu?
Lihat sajalah tindakan Pak Lah menukar Kementerian Kewangan kepada Najib tetapi masih mempunyai kuasa eksekutif dan BOS di dalam Khazanah Berhad. Mengapa begitu? Tukar dan Serah... dua perkataan yang sama makna?
Oleh yang demikian, Pak Lah masih mengawal UMNO dan kerajaan Malaysia. Kita fikirkanlah bersama dan tungguuuuuu sajalah....
Saturday, October 04, 2008
"Najib was once Dr Mahathir's (former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's) blue-eyed boy. It is bound to happen."
- Karpal is very very scared of Dr Mahathir. Now that we know his weakness! Even if Tun Mahathir has left the office, Karpal is still edgy over the former prime minister's absent. Tun Mahathir has really given Karpal a true nightmare thru his life.
This is what Karpal prefers;
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should not be pressured to quit as Prime Minister despite his flaws
“Umno should not write off Abdullah as he received the people’s majority."
Deep Tots :
- A flop is a flop and a flaw is flaw. No discount to that! Abdullah has received the people's majority and lost 5 states and inviting more seats to the opposition. Malaysian politics are now shaky thus effect our economy to the worst in history... SHOULD WE STILL RETAIN ABDULLAH?
- Please do not narrate our present economy performance to global crisis... Of course we feel the impact.. BUT WHAT HAS ABDULLAH DONE? NONE OTHERS, BLAME IT ON THE RAKYAT!
Karpal Singh denied he wanted Abdullah to remain in power instead of Najib to make it easier for the Opposition to make their move, saying, “our chances are not slimmer under Najib.”
Deep Tots : Intentions are clear and the record has shown sir! Watch where you go... Remember where you've been...!