Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Could The Federal Court be wrong about yesterday's verdict?

Just to share from a prominet lawyer's point of view for the rakyat to mull over...

In the Ningkan case of the 60's, it was just the Chief Minister alone. No mention of the State Ministers (in Sarawak the EXCO is equivalent to the State Minister). Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Tawi Sli, the new Chief Minister appointed by the Governor was from the same party. There was no change of government from one political party to another political party.

In the Perak case, it was in fact changing the Government;
not just the Menteri Besar.

Click further to SmallTalk for honorable and intelligent discussions

1 comment:

lebaymans berkata said...

salam,cukup sudah perak ku berantakan selama 96hari, kembalikan hak rakyat perak di tempatnya asalnya.cukup umno cukup selama 50tahun lebih umno mengkhianati amanah rakyat malaysia keseluruhannya.bukan apa semakin ramai perempuan bernyanyi semakin bala menghampiri kita iaitu tanah runtuh contohnya kata sirah rasullullah saw,begitu juga sekiranya aurat perempuan dibiarkan terdedah semakin ramai bilangannya!ingat mengingati sesama insan.