Sunday, April 19, 2009


A truly so called 'Iron Lady' Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, former International Trade and Industry Minister, known for being sharp shooter, knowledgable and some may say she is fierce... is now thinking to pen her own auto-biography.

“What motivated me to write it is because I am often portrayed as a fierce and aggressive woman who had no time for her family or easy to get along. “So I wanted to tell everyone I am just a normal person with normal feelings just like anyone else. My experience is much like what most women go through,” she told - MI

For all I know, why men especially male politicians are so intimidated by her... once she abruptly dared Lim Kit Siang in parliment to proof she was delibrately treated as the 'queen' for her absence. What happened then? LKS just had to shut-up!

This I have to share with others, when I was with Peniagawati, a phone call to her to fix a date for the next AGM. It was lunch hour and the phone call was meant for her secretary, Yasmin only but she delightly answered the call... She was having lunch in her office with just chocolates... Just chocolates? Yes, just chocolates while reading through some documents for the next meeting... said Rafidah.

Meantime, at our end we were busy ordering KFC for our lunch...

So, thats Rafidah... one busy lady

Next, I bumped into her in PWTC a few years after I left Peniagawati. Trying my best to avoid but from far she said... I know you, Peniagawati... hahaha and the conversation goes on and on...

Therefore, how would you consider her being fierce? Men just cant tolerate no-nonsense lady and they even might call her shrewd. Once a fren would consider a tough woman like her to be unscruples and so on... so on...

This I have to quote:

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey....
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong...

Find her soft spot and you will start to like her... I supposed Tan Sri is an idol for most career women.

p/s : Im not going to write about Perak and Penanti and any other politics issues... Let the so called brilliant people out there pen their views...


Hamba said...

Normal Rafidah is.............I can't think of her being normal...She's an abnormality! Nothing about her is normal...Her logic for AP approval to her SIL..Her fashion style..Her brain..and lastly her size..OOpps she has a mirror image in the First lady...Maybe both of them are abnormal in size...

mantra-indeeptots said...

Only the abnormals will lead... the normals are mostly followers only

Premium Business said...

Rafidah layak diberi 'Tun".

lebaymans berkata said...

salam,di usia emas mu rafidah, tolong tutup auratmu ya,cukup menongkat langit tu,itu harapan ku sesama insan,kembali kepada islam sepenuhnya.sebelum malaikat maut menjemputmu,pintu taubat masih terbuka untuk kita semua ya. insyaallah mudah mudahan ku doakan buatmu rafidah!