Monday, December 30, 2013


Terbaca laporan dari The Star mengenai pendedahan sebenar siapa itu bangsa Cina di Malaysia ini;

KUALA LUMPUR: A survey of Malaysian Chinese, aged between 16 and 45, showed that almost half of them are clueless about the government agency, which handles complaints about corruption.

Some 48% in a survey of 216 people by the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) replied “no” to the question “do you know which agency to report bribery to?” -  REPORTING!!!

“Among the 92 people who are aware of such a body, only some know its exact name,” said Huazong Youth president Ong Chong Keng. - NOT CLUELESS BUT DELIBRATELY IGNORANT!

Other respondents thought that the agency to report to was the Election Commission or the police, he told reporters here yesterday. - CHINESE DENYING LAW AND ORDER

While corruption cases were investigated by the police in the past, anti-corruption efforts have been undertaken by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) since 1967.

The ACA’s name was changed to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in 2009.

The study, called the Integrity and Corruption Survey, was conducted among Malaysian Chinese nationwide from various sectors including government, banking and construction. - ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF NEWS REPORTING

It was carried out between October and December by the Huazong Youth’s Integrity and Crime Prevention Bureau.

Ong urged the MACC to create greater awareness on how the public could contact the commission and hire more Chinese officers to improve communications with the community. - CREATE GREATER AWARNESS? ARE CHINESE YOUTH NOT IT LITERATE?

The survey also found that 78% of the respondents thought it was acceptable to take free meals from contractors who were interested in

Some 54% of the respondents also believed it was acceptable to take company stationery home. -MISCONDUCT IS ALWAYS THEIR LIFESTYLE

“Taking company stationery home may seem harmless but it could be considered as mismanagement of company resources,” Ong said.

For traffic rules, the study showed that 54% of the respondents thought it was reasonable to speed depending on the situation. - A CLEAR CASE OF DELIBRATE MISCONDUCT

Among its recommendations, Huazong Youth urged all political parties to support amendments to the MACC Act to introduce corporate liability so that transparency can be upheld in the private sector.
*(Komen saya dalam teks berwarna puteh)

Oleh itu, bangsa Cina di Malaysia sememangnya :
  • Jenis yang tidak menghormati dan gemar melanggar undang-undang. 

  • DAP yang mewakili bangsa Cina terbesar, konon selalu mencerminkan diri sebagai suci dari segala kesalahan, kini terbukti DAP gagal mendidik bangsanya sendiri.

  • Bangsa Cina dinobat sebagai pemegang ekonomi Malaysia tetapi hasil daripada laporan ini menunjukkan mereka berjaya dalam perniagaan kerana amalan rasuah adalah sebahagian cara mereka berniaga.

  • Secara langsung, bangsa Cina bukan jenis taat dan setia kepada tempat mereka dilahirkan atau tempat mereka mencari makan tetapi kesetiaan mereka hanyalah kepada tanah tumpah nenek moyang mereka iaitu negara yang telah membuang dan mencampakkan mereka ke Tanah Melayu, iaitu Tanah Besar China.

  • Kesalahan yang dilakukan bangsa Cina ini samada sengaja atau pun tidak, sebaik mungkin dialihkan kepada kerajaan sesebuah negara yang memerintah. Ini termasuk Malaysia, di mana kerana keengganan mereka mematuhi undang-undang negara tetapi kerajaan pula dikatakan tidak berinfomasi.

  • Bangsa Cina memang gemar mengambil kesempatan dan peluang terutama jika ianya PERCUMA!

  • Mereka dengan sengaja ingin memisahkan diri mereka dari pelbagai kaum di Malaysia tetapi gemar menuntut hak sebagai rakyat Malaysia.

  • Setiap isu yang dibangkitkan kaum Cina sebenarnya adalah untuk kepentingan bangsanya sahaja dan bukan untuk kesejahteraan negara.

  • Taktik bangsa Cina yang selalu menggambarkan diri mereka tertindas tetapi sebaliknya mereka yang menindas bangsa lain.

  • Bangsa Cina tidak akan senang selagi bangsa Melayu menguasai kuasa pemerintahan di Malaysia. FULL STOP!

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