Friday, March 02, 2012


First, lets begin with Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said while addressing delegates at the Pas Muktamar in June last year:

"I like to bring your attention to the Lynas issue, which was raised by our delegates."The issue should be referred to our expert. We have a nuclear expert. Hulu Langat member of parliament Dr Che Rosli Che Mat holds a PhD in the nuclear field."

Then the expert from PKR, non other Mdm Fuziah Salleh, MP for Kuantan [Parliment Hansard 2008]:

I would like to bring to the attention that the rare earth elements is in fact likely to generate the medium or low levels of radiation. Because it is the developer of this industry requires a special license from the Atomic Energy Licensing Board(AELB) before starting operations. This clearly shows that these rare earth processing operations, Mr. Chairman involving the use and production of radioactive waste. [*Please note that Dr. Che Rosli bin Che Mat [Hulu Langat  MP] stood for Q&A but was rejected by Mdm Fuziah Salleh...]

Plus, in her Stop Lynas petition written:

Next the so called multi-talent expert from DAP Penang, its Chief Minister Mr Lim Guan Eng, April 2011:

"Clearly BN in its pursuit for blind profits is willing to put aside environmental concerns and place the health and safety of the people at risk ... First it is Pahang and now Perak, rare earths plants spraig up unhindered without proper and full consultation with the people of its possible high risk impact. Only PR-ruled states have taken a firm and uncompromising stand against rare-earth refineries and mines."

FINALLY, during an interview with a private television station recently, Che Rosli, who is a nuclear scientist said: "They are frightening the public by saying that Lynas is a nuclear plant when its function is only to process natural materials like rare earths from Mount Weld in Western Australia, which has less radiation compared with an ore mine.

"The issue was brought up by the PKR. I've kept quiet and even been given a warning by the Pas information bureau not to comment.

"I accepted it and have been silent. But this is unfair. They have been making comments in every issue of Harakah in a tone we are uncomfortable with."

When asked if Lynas is really a nuclear plant, Che Rosli said: "I am embarrassed. I am also a Pas member. So finally, I decided, as a nuclear expert, I should come forward to speak.

"Let people talk as they wish," said Che Rosli, who assured the people in Kuantan that they need not fear the presence of the plant.

On Friday, Che Rosli reiterated that the plant was safe and the project should proceed as long as the company adhered to strict safety standards and regulations to ensure that the health and safety of the residents were protected.

Che Rosli, an expert in nuclear science, graduated from a university in the United Kingdom.

The Malaysian government has attached strict conditions for Lynas to comply with to ensure the health and safety of the workers, the public and the environment.

The special conditions are: Lynas is required to submit to the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) details concerning the location, construction and management of a permanent disposal facility (PDF) that will accommodate the waste generated by the factory; the PDF proposed by Lynas shall be located in a remote area away from populated areas, and Lynas is required to give a Letter of Understanding to remove and relocate overseas all waste generated.

All the waste from the plant shall be fully treated, meeting stipulated standards prior to discharge. There will be zero discharge of untreated industrial waste water.

The gasses released from the Lynas plant shall be treated by Lynas according to international standards and monitored by the relevant authorities continuously to ensure they are safe to be released through the plant stacks.

Before the public is duped by the accusations from various people, which has been described by Che Rosli as "unscientific and not at all academic", they should heed the advice of Abdul Hadi during his speech at the Pas Muktamar.

He was quoted as saying: "You want to know about oil palm, do not ask the rubber expert." - NST

But, what happened to Pakatan State government own backyard?

In deep tots:

PAS nuclear expert was denied during their protest rallies and even from day one when Fuziah brought the issue to Parliment. Why?

Dr Rosli was instructed with gag order from his political party, upon whose instruction?

Fuziah and Guan Eng are politicians which neither is an expert in science. Read their statements and all that was highlighted are their political interests and rethoric over facts. Fuziah with her main interest to retain her Kuantan parliamentary seat and Guan Eng who failed to live up to the expectations of the debate to answer several pertinent questions in a recent debate with MCA President, soughting desperate comeback from Chinese voters.

Lets put aside rethoric statements by politicians, and theres  a nuclear expert to point his facts, WHO DO WE WISH TO LISTEN AND TRUST?

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