Monday, December 14, 2009


I wont say much, these pictures below will speak for itself - Khairy Jamaluddin Face-Off; KJ supporters will go haunting everyone in Facebook.

[AntiKJ Facebook group -I Bet I Can Find 10,000 People Who Hate Khairy Jamaluddin]

Align Center[Tepak Bersulam a disgrace to UMNO. He will place his personal
attack even to his previous boss and read here....]

[Whats with KJFC? A fan club for retarded juvenilles?
The lady in red claimed to be the secretary for
KJ's fan club... sounds very Boy George, doesn't it?]

[Did KJ breed highly intelligent and respectable supporters or just simply
some bunch of monkeys swinging from one tree to another?]

Dear Khairy Jamaluddin @ UMNO Youth Chief, please explain these to your President and please dont tell me this is what you have promised to your boss???

Thank you Mr Prime Minister... you've made the best decision for not including KJ to your cabinet or tsunami will repeat again for GE13....

More reading from fellow bloggers and news portals;


  1. Salam kak jie,

    At last!!!

    After freeze for a while, blasting with concrete fact to shrink down kj's desire(nafs). And hey! Sapa buat khabar angin ni????

  2. Salam Det

    KJ will definitely end his political carrier bcoz of his supporters... reason being KJ is highlighted as a crook here...

  3. buat apa menyokong, kalau MEMBAWA rebah!


  4. Kak Jee, ini lagi satu isu yang saya perhatikan, asal tak sokong KJ je dia kata kita ni kem Mukhriz, asal tak sokong KJ je dia kata kita ni dok defend Mukhriz!

    Apa punya banganag la depa ni kan kak jee, lagi satu kak jee, depa ni dapat bayaran tinggi la ni, tetapi KJ bodoh nak mampos upah si bingai tahap babi untuk jadi blogger dia..muhahahaha

    Ya la, kalau yang bijak dah tentu nampak kegampangan Si anak omak auuwww auuwww ni kan?

    Oh yes Kak Jee, KJ akan jatuh sebab penyokong dia! Confirm!

  5. Parpu... KJ ada ala2 crook tak? hehehe... sbb yang menyokong dalam FB semua mcm kaki pukul je!

  6. Kalau dah berani kenapa blok kami dari debat kat kelab KJ tu? hahahah. Lepas tu kata kita kena belasah dan chicken out. Sebijik perangan mcm KJ dan Anwar
