Monday, May 05, 2008


What a relief... finally i did it after many many thoughts, browsing, imaginings etc etc.. Typical of a designer's piece of work.. It may not be much.. but yes.. finally this is what i want.. For a start, to gather all my lying pieces then.. gosh! ill be extra busy soon.. Never mind, i always enjoy this wondorus piece..

One thing for sure, the people's voice will be a must in my blog.. i can be quite critical thou.. Well, i have always learned to see the other side of the coin...

My cutie, noti little childhood... jeng..jeng.. Its my blog, therefore the uncensored me has to be in...syhhhhhh!!!!

Ok folks.. just wait for my updates soon...


  1. hmm congrat for launcing ur own blog... hmm finally you ikut jejak Ali Rustam ek.. ha ha ha just kidding..

  2. Salam jeejah;

    Congratulations! Now u have ur own blog.Jangan hangat2 taik ayam tau! Buek malu orang DT jo.

    I'll link you to mine nanti.

  3. thanks Doc.. still new with the gadgets.. trying to put my bits n pieces in my blog.. be patient eh!!

  4. Not bad ha! Mind you something. Everybody can have a blog. But sad case is they only work according to their mood. Lastly, nothing left in the blog. One good example is YAB Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam. So pengecut! He only pick up what is good about him. Now what happen? Koyak dah.... Keep it up. If you maintain up to one year, fine. If 6 months, not good. Best regard and wish you all the best throughout.

  5. zek..thanks for dropping by.. pak ali tak ikut nasihat i.. hehehe
